What to do if the wife has changed

What to do if the wife has changed

Nowadays, unfortunately, treason has ceased to be something out of a series of outgoing. And not only men change their wives, too, novels on the side. If you happened to know that your favorite woman betrayed you - gather with the Spirit and try to calmly understand the situation.

Immediately the question arises - why did she do it? What are the reasons for its treason? For each family, the answer will be individual, but most psychologists agree that women do not change simply. Women's treason is more than just sex on the side. Most often, the wife begin to look for new sensations when the relationship with her husband stops them to arrange. Think about that in your family could not go wrong? Maybe you have problems with an intimate life, maybe you stopped to give your favorite enough attention, and maybe they ourselves were not true, and now she decided to take revenge. However, there are such cases when women simply change the sake of sports interest in order to succeed their self-sufficiency. Try to understand the reason for her act, because your further behavior model will depend on it.

Take a little break to get together with thoughts. Perhaps, fighting in yourself, you realize that there is also your wines in treason, too - then do not rush to put a point in the relationship. Sit and talk frankly. If during the conversation it turns out that your spouse is in love with another man, then try to keep it simply makes no sense - a woman decorated to grant by love, sooner or later still leaves her relationships.

If the dialogue becomes clear that the wife was not going to leave the family and that her novel was short-term - try to find out the reason for treason. What did her come to such a difficult step? What was missing in relation to her? If you love your woman so much that they are ready to forgive her like that, it is better to do it. We all tend to make mistakes, and maybe sometimes it is better to give a person a second chance than all my life to repent of the fact that I forever lost the love of your life forever.

Keep in mind that if you suffer from pathological jealousy - to continue the normal relationship after treason, you are already unlikely to succeed. No matter how much you did not love your spouse, but now every time you remember how she deceived you, and with every dubious case, your imagination will draw you the pictures of its new treasure. In such a tension, you will not be able to live neither your wife, which, by the way, can quite sincerely regret the deed and even more suffer from your distrust.

If your wife changed you no longer for the first time, if each new novel ends with a short intrigue, after which she returns to you and asks for forgiveness - leave it. No matter how strong your love was, but such women do not change. They are predatory in their essence and they are simply physically necessary to become the subject of adoration for all new and new men. Please accept this and cross it out of your life forever.

In independence, what decision you will take, you will still be hard on the soul of awareness that you were betrayed. Try to distract, disperse. Only in no case do not run on the drink, as most men do. Alcohol did not heale a single important problem. It is better to deal with sports or leaving your head to work. Remember that everything is bad sooner or later, but what will be your tomorrow depends on you.

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irina 07/06/2015 at 19:58

treason is the worst thing that may happen in the family, especially when for 5 years I want children, and it does not work. My husband is a fairly self-sufficient person, has everything and everyone. Our first years of marriage were a fairy tale for me, and now what, I am a typical housewife, waiting for him in the evenings, and happens at night. I did not climb into his case, but still, doubts tormented me. He always wore his phone with him to tormented me, the heart was sick. My girlfriend suggested to listen to the phone, and since the husband had a smartphone I could install his location. I did not regret. The mystery was revealed. And very pain. My husband has a second family in which the Son is growing. Like this. Let thousands of deceived women reveal their eyes

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