The child does not listen to what to do

The child does not listen to what to do

Parents of a naughty child must be very patient. Many do not stand and solve the strap problem, which is the worst way out of the position. To cope with a naughty child, it is necessary to determine the cause of the capricious behavior and eliminate it.

Scientists are watching naughty children for many years. Several main reasons for disobedience were revealed. The first is the desire to pay attention. If the child does not receive parental attention, he begins to show his fears, pretend to be sick or capricious. Regarding the last paragraph, children prefer to get at least negative attention than not to receive it. If you often do not have time, explain it to your child and agree with it about the specific hours in which you will spend time together. If you have too loaded schedule, tell the baby that as soon as you get ready, immediately pay attention to him. Perform your promise.

Another reason is the desire to be independent. Stop Sysyku with Him, indicate what to do and constantly criticize his work. Otherwise, the child will do everything in advance to parents. Understand that the child needs to defend its right to make mistakes. He wants to become a full and respected family member. If you want to grow a worthy person, pay attention to this item. From an early age, involve a child to independence and responsibility. Make a day of the day for him: for example, endure garbage, remove toys, make another job in the house.

In some cases, the child moves the desire to take revenge. He may be offended by his parents because of the divorce, the appearance of the stepfather, the new baby, etc. In these periods, it is important to explain the child to the child and give to understand him that in any case he remains beloved and desirable. Do not be afraid to talk with children as with adults and equal - they will begin to understand complex things earlier, they will enter your position and stop behaving badly.

Another of the most common causes of disobedience is the lack of desire. If you are constantly criticized and scolding a child, it closes from you, and also loses its self-esteem and confidence. He understands that in any case, his actions criticize, so ceases to try and do something at all. There is nothing to say that self-esteem rolls to zero. Think about how such a child will grow. Externally, this is manifested in phrases "Well, I will be so", "Well,", "I don't care."

Do not show violence towards the child and do not pier on it with screams. He must understand what exactly she guessed and why you are unhappy with his behavior. Explain it in a calm and restrained manner. As a punishment, use temporary deprivation of walks with friends, excommunication from the computer for a while, etc. For the first time you can make a child an oral warning, but the re-error should entail a punishment. Be sure to inform him of its timing. If the baby begins to be capricious, do not go for him - be calm and adamant. Thus, you teach it to such behavior and he will foresee what his next disobedience or leprosy will turn out.

If the child refuses himself, try to give it into some kind of section. It is important that the lesson liked him. Then the energy will be sent to passion and development, and not for destruction. If the child has no father, there must be an example of a successful adult man. Having giving it to classes, take care that the teacher was not only an expert on his business, but also a noble man. Another important point - belonging to the child with respect, teach it to show respect for other people. Perfect attempts to shout or heat the interlocutor. Explain why you can not do.

If the child stubbornly does not listen to you, take patience. Changes will occur not in one day. The main thing is to act from the standpoint of help, not forces or aggression. Continue to explain the child important things as long as he does not understand them. Agree with relatives to act together.

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Nina 08/08/2019 at 17:31

To raise, and if it is straight systematically and with hysteries, you can try to give a baby's baby's baby formula (we order a phytomarket in the online store, it's easier and the price is attractive) and send the child to the sport, as we did, as a result, the child has become calm and levels , not learn direct)

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