What a child knows at 11 months

What a child knows at 11 months

How quickly time flies - baby without the months of the year! In this age children begin to assert their independence and their own opinion. Weight dialed is not so fast, increases baby by an average of 1.5 cm per month. Weighs 11 months child from 8 to 12 kg with an increase of 70-80 cm. strengthens muscles and increased physical activity . Due to the independent travel increases cognitive activity.

Given that to 11 months the baby for more than 6 Zubikov can offer Not only crumbs puree  mealsBut small pieces - steamed meatballs and goulash, whole fruits, vegetables into cubes.

  V this age, kids are moving to a one-time naps. My daily routine changes completely. Because of this, the child is fussy, whiny. parents need wait out this difficult period and help the crumbs to adapt to the new regime, to adjust to the desires baby.

The most long-awaited first step for parents to their offspring may occur exactly at the age of 11 months. Most of the children have already mastered the lateral movement of the support. Step by step, the young researcher submits undeveloped territory, holding onto furniture or mother's hand. Fortifying and mastered in space, child can make the first independent step. In addition, confidence gets down and gets on the sofa, stands up from a sitting position.

Expanding passive vocabulary. In 11 months of physical development prevails. Therefore, a few kids will delight parents with new words. But to communicate with child necessary, as baby listens and learns words, she learns to understand them. At this age, children are deliberately pronounce short words: a woman, let, drink, etc. Parents should pay attention to the games on the development of speech:.. Blab everything that is happening around, playassociation "Sounds of objects and animals," sing along with baby children popevki, Read books and discuss the reading.

Child Locked "pinching grip" with fingers. To continue to develop the skills of shallow motor skills, it is necessary to devote time for games with pek, lacing, liners, plasticine and finger paints.

Eleven-month-old  child Actively strives for independence. Do not limit it in this, but be sure to control. To prevent troubles, explain to the crumb, why it is impossible to play with sharp objects, touch iron and oven, get medicine before the baby comes to learn about all myself.

Children at this age can communicate in their own way with peers, kids study joint games and polite behavior, imitate adults.

  TO 11 months children can ask for a pot. "Wet troubles", of course, avoid yet It will not be possible, but gradually reduce the amount of diaper you are needed. It is also important to encourage child After successful communication with the pot and in no case do not scold with failure kid at that age yet It cannot be consciously to hold the urge.

The development of children is very individual. Do not worry too much if 11-month child  yet Does not go or does not say. He will definitely master a little later. But the regular visit to the pediatrician should not be skidding. Only a doctor will be able to determine whether the development of the kid is the norm or you need to pay attention to something.

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