When the child starts walking

When the child starts walking

With the advent of the baby most of the young parents are faced with dozens of important issues. One of them - this is when the child begins to walk? Each baby develops individually, but there are basic common elements, which we now describe.

The children take their first steps at the age of about 12 months. This does not mean that exactly a year your crumb should go - someone starts to walk at 9 months, and someone in the 15. So be patient and do not panic, all the time. At first, your baby has to learn to stand on his feet, then he will try to move, holding on to the furniture, and here I do not have time to blink as he will be making their first tentative small steps into your arms. Enjoy these moments, because very soon, your child will be able to walk and run, and jump, and it means that his childhood will forever remain behind.

At that time, as your baby learns to walk, you have at least a little, but you can help him. Play with them in active games, which pushes. Often Sit in front of a child and call him to her, holding out a hand to meet him.

You can purchase a special wheelchair, which helps kiddies to learn walking - child will be able to push it forward, while holding the handle. When choosing such a device, take care that it is stable enough, then your child will not have to fall.

Do not rush to buy children's shoes as long as your crumb starts to walk fully and regularly visit the street. It is believed that the development of coordination and balance the child useful walking barefoot.

Many parents teach children to walk in a walker. However, experts categorically prohibit the use of such devices, significantly slowing down the development of the thigh muscle in children.

Do not worry and panic, if someone from the familiar child has gone before you. If your child while developing normally and develops other skills - there is no reason to worry. However, if the child has turned 17 months, but he did not even try to take the first steps - necessary to consult with the experts for their own peace of mind.

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