25 wise councils about raising children

25 wise councils about raising children

The existence of a variety of approaches to the education of children is due to the individual features of the development of each child. In such a teaching of pedagogical information, the modern parent is easy to get confused. We recommend note of the generalized rules for the education of children decorated in the form of wise councils.

Let's positive characteristics

Turning to the child, let's give him such high-quality characteristics that you want to see in it (capable, hardworking, obedient). Children are easy to suggest. Never emphasize the attention of the child on its negative features of the character, imagining the offensive labels of "oddity", "laughter", etc.

Do not intimidate the child

Stop intimidating the child with fictional monsters, predators, villains. It is not worth replacing the lack of parental authority, forcing the child to be afraid.

Be confident parents

In the eyes of the child, his parent should always remain a confident adult man. Do not show your child defenselessness, children is disorient.

Do not quarrel with a child

Try to find out the relationship without the presence of a child. Frequent quarrels of parents can provoke a child with a sense of loss or aggressiveness.


Sharpen without anger

Take a decision on the punishment of the child for offense, being in a balanced condition, and not under the influence of anger.

Serve example

Send an example to children with our own actions and do not abuse notations.

Follow follow-up

Sleep time must fully ensure the restoration of the child's forces, and the list of cases on the day should be easily fulfilled.

Instill the correct relationship to order

Any work should be encouraged to praise, to cause joy and respect its results.

Provide daily hygienic education

A child should always be clean and tidy.

Encourage exercise

Daily performance of morning gymnastics will provide good posture and good health to your child. And the classes of a specific sport will help the child to become hardy and confident in their abilities.


Love the child

Love your child, separating attitude towards him and to his actions.

Respect, believe and trust

In conflict situations, take the side of the child. Then alone you can discuss the nuances of the conflict.

Hug and kiss the baby

Candle and kiss your child more often, even if you have a boy. With this you do not break it. Father can iron the boy on the head as a promotion for good behavior.

Do not force to lie

Do not ask questions to which the child does not want to answer. Do not force the baby to lie.

React to requests

Always react to a question or a problem with which a child addressed you.

Explain the reasons for the prohibitions

Explain the child's reasons for your prohibitions using the concepts of cause and effect.

Prohibit the correct

Try to prohibit a child without using a particle "not." Tell me "Be careful" instead of the phrase "not Sori".

Communicate qualitatively

Select daily 30 minutes of time for high-quality communication with your child.

Active communication

Move to independence

Create conditions in which the child will be able to show independence in actions or decisions. It is better to do this in the form of the game.

Advance with the child

Advance with a child about solving issues relating to all family members, whether to plan a lunch menu or moving.

Perform promises

Perform promises given to the child. Remind your child about his promises.

Teach the Child Communication Rules

Teach the child to ask questions to the eldest, refuse to communicate in someory. Take a child of courtesy and etiquette rules.

Help to liberate

Do not force the child to demonstrate their talents in public. The child can be shy. Motivate, ask, but do not forced.

Encourage the active interaction of the father and child

The role of the father in the child's life is no less important than the influence of the mother. Father must be moderately strict, and mother is kind.

Remember, without trust, there is no obedience!

If the child is trusting you, he will always listen to you. Won the authority in the kid with your behavior and attitude towards him.

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