How do teeth grow in children

How do teeth grow in children

All half-baked moms are concerned about the health of your child and carefully monitor any changes in his behavior and in appearance. This topic, as the growth of the first baby teeth, becomes relevant in a few months after birth, and young mothers is very important to know all the features of this process.

How to grow teeth in children - when to expect the first tooth?

Cutting baby teeth, the process is very individual and unpredictable. First teeth may appear in the third month of life baby, and may not appear until years. Do not panic if your child is in no hurry to acquire a Hollywood smile and does not fit into your pediatrician delivered time. Most likely, it will please you when his body will be fully prepared for this important event.

It is worth noting that during cutting the first tooth, as well as their quality, is laid in the womb, so the influence on this process now almost impossible. If your baby is three months became acquire teeth, then that is its genotype, and you can only watch this process in every way to help him. If on the contrary, the appearance of the first tooth is long overdue, it is not amiss to pass on the analysis of the absorption of calcium and its amount in the body of the child. Perhaps it is the lack of calcium is the main cause of the late appearance of the first tooth.

How to grow teeth in children - which teeth appear first?

  • In contrast to the terms of the appearance of the first tooth, the order for all children is almost the same.
  • First, the central lower incisors erupt.
  • After them come and upper incisors.
  • Then comes the time for the upper and lower lateral incisors.
  • Immediately after them come the front upper and lower molars, canines erupt then, and the last to erupt the upper and lower back molars.
  • In total, to three years of a child shall be twenty teeth.

How to grow teeth in children - signs of the cutting teeth

The process of primary teeth growth in all children takes place in different ways, but mostly it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • anxiety and irritability baby;
  • fever;
  • diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • gingival redness, increased salivation;
  • runny nose and cough.

If any of the symptoms manifested aggressively, such as a high fever or severe diarrhea or a runny nose, you should consult your pediatrician. Perhaps all of these symptoms indicate some viral diseases.

How to help your child during the growth of baby teeth?

All of the above symptoms bring huge discomfort as to the child and his mother, so it is important to promptly alleviate the suffering of your baby.

  • If your child has a fever higher than one degree, it is worth it to shoot down immediately. You will come to the aid of special antipyretics, designed for toddlers. They will not cause any harm to your child's body, but rather on the contrary, help to cope with the heat.
  • It is not necessary to torture the child, if he has observed very pronounced pain. On this account, there are special analgesic gels, which periodically need to handle the inflamed gums. special toys, there are also filled with helium. Little kids love to chew on these toys, because with their help, there is a massage of the gums and the pain subside for a while.
  • Affordable analgesic embodiment will gums wiping with gauze soaked in cold water. This procedure is also significantly alleviate the suffering of your baby.

All of the above means significantly help your child to comfortably shift rather painful changes in his body.

How to care for baby teeth?

It is important to remember that even the newly emerged teeth require that care. When lack of independence kid, so care should carry out his mother. For this purpose there are specialized tips on the finger, with the help of which is made of the teeth cleaning. With age, the child himself should monitor the health of the mouth, but not without parental control. It is very important from early childhood to accustom the child to daily tooth brushing, because this good habit will come in handy for the rest of his life.

Comments leave a comment
Bridh 04.16.2019 at 23:45

Thanks for the advice. The teething period it is necessary to observe hygiene and try to provide the child with a balanced diet, rich in calcium. After three years, and especially during the period of change of milk teeth for permanent and can give vitamins to calcium. In my favorite is a baby formula of calcium, we advise their dentist. Bought at shop.evalar, convenient and do not need to search for pharmacies.

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Oksana 25.04.2019 at 10:12

Much depends on the body of the child, and heredity. At four months, the board has two teeth were. Main preserve dental health and ensure their proper growth. It depends on the wealth of vitamins in the body. Old produce curds, after three became vitamishki calcium + give. Good vitamins and the taste and composition. Strengthen the child's teeth and bones.

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