Some parents chalant relate to milk teeth, counting, what they all equals fall out and on the shift come permanent. But spoiled tooth in rTU (be then lactic or constant) – it always a source reproduction difficulties bacteria, that's why temporary teeth also need v care. About v two-year-old age kid need to accustom to regular cleaning teeth. AND first, what necessary do, select good tooth brush and quality tooth paste, well and master several receptions right cleansing.
A nothing not forget and all do right will help detailed instruction with recommendations to this procedure.
1) How to teach a child to brush your teeth - in like tooth brush
For little child on degree stiffness necessary give away preference soft dental brushes with artificial bristle (natural bristle will perfect wednesday for development bacteria). The size workers surface must cover 2–3 dairy teeth. Pen brushes should be comfortable. To kid it was interesting, choose bright, maybe with image love hero, tooth brush.
2) How to teach a child to brush your teeth - in like tooth paste
TO choice children's dental paste need to come true responsible: unacceptable to v her composition designed harmful components! Also costs consider, what little child in time cleaning teeth maybe swallow small number paste, that's why tooth paste not should cause harm health at random swallowing. Choose quality trade brands.

3) How to teach a child to brush your teeth – technology
To okay clear teeth, necessary make right movement. So top teeth follow clean above down, a lower vice versa – below up. Chewing surface teeth should processed circular movements.
Itself same procedure should last 2–3 minutes and repeat not less likely two once v day.
4) How to teach a child to clean your teeth - ravil example
Can each day to repeat to kid o necessible regularly clean teeth, but at a time li kroha will long time to follow yours recommendations, if not will see visual example. For positive result take per rule clean teeth together with yours kid.
5) Little heathsti.
Interest child can buying sand timer for cleaning teeth. The timer is by himself sandfish hasiki, a time speeding sand at overting – 3 minutes. Place this accessory on the available place and lose child front beginning procedures myself his turns over – it will motivate kid bring started procedure before end. You can also lead the calendar of cleaning the teeth and after each procedure to make a mark.
Dear parents, remember, what useful habits follow visit to kid with childhood, and only you you can teach own kid relate responsible to himself health! Right and regular cleaning teeth will help v future to avoid unpleasant meetings sO dentist.
This case should be started to engage from an early age, then the baby gets used and knows. Then also to tell constantly about the benefits and necessity of these procedures. But the health of the teeth is not limited to hygiene. You still need the power proper. With cottage cheese necessarily. I also give my baby formula for calcium, burst with pleasure. The composition is good and the taste is excellent., I always order on the, so more convenient.