How to teach a child blowing the nose

How to teach a child blowing the nose

Many parents are experiencing due to the fact that the child during illness can not clicze. This problem is characteristic of kids to 3-4 years. To understand how to teach the child to blow the rooking, you need to carefully examine the different techniques and choose the appropriate one.

Are there really ways to quickly teach a child to smill?

Yes! This process can already be trained by a two-way child. The main thing is to conduct training in the game form. Of course, the children at such an early age will not immediately do to do as the parents show him. You should not lower your hands. Already by the four or five years, your baby will begin to blow the rooking without your help.

How to teach a child to blow the rooking - when is it better to do?

To teach a child to blow the nore, you need to choose the right time and place for this. Who as you do not know the character of your baby. If he becomes uncontrollable in the playground, then transfer training to the house where no one will distract it. In no case do not force the baby forcibly blowing around. You need to quietly explain to the child that you want from him and get his consent to the classes.

How to teach a child to blow the rooking?

Start teaching a baby to blow the rooking when it is completely healthy and can breathe freely. Pick up the point when the child is in a good mood.

Probably, you guessed that you will have an impartial child to teach the child only game methods. They are most effective. All exercises show on yourself. Training can be connected to the whole family and arrange competitions.

Methods, how to teach the baby blowing around:

  • placing the nose of the candles (arrange the competition, who from your family members will turn out to be faster to blow the nose with a candle);
  • hedgehogs (pay attention to your child to the hedgehog that the spout is looking for mushrooms, apples and berries, ask the baby to show how the hedgehog puffs);
  • the puff of the train (let the nose of your baby drink, like a pipe from the train, it is important that the baby be swollen widely swept the nostrils during this game);
  • blowing a balloon (inflate the balloon and ask the kid to move the ball from one end of the table in another blowing through one nostril. Repeat the same with another nostrils);
  • exercise is a dandelion (take a dandelion and ask the baby to blow all the guns to the nose).

4) how to teach a child blowing around - how not to cause harm

Pediatricians recommend parents after developing games to ask the kid correctly visor into a handkerchief, closing alternately nostrils mouth. In no case can you blow through strength and close your eyes!

To teach a child to blow the nore, parents need to be patient. In the process of the game, you must explain to the child for what you do certain exercises. Tell the baby, why it is so important to blow the rooking. It is impossible to increase the voice, offend the child, if he does not work out on his own.

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