How to teach your child to sleep alone

How to teach your child to sleep alone

Whatever the temptation to put together with a toddler, better with his first days of life accustomed to independent sleep in a crib. Of course, much more convenient to put the crumbs beside him and did not get up at the next feeding, but then you find yourself held hostage to permanently manned around the crib already grown child. If the moment is missed, and the baby stubbornly refuses to go into the arms of Morpheus yourself, you can resort to some tricks and solve this problem.

Set the mode to teach the child to fall asleep on their own

Enter correctly balanced mode is possible at any age. Look at the habits of the child's day and spread into time periods of sleep, games, meals, walks. Try to keep these events took place in the same time, then the child will have the habit to feel the hunger and desire to sleep at the right time.

Enter in the daily routine rituals to teach the child to fall asleep on their own

Even newborns need the rituals of preparing for bed. So do not be lazy to spend the night rest cyclic manipulation: Buy - a massage - fed - embraced - put to bed. For older children, you can perform the ritual of reading stories and putting toys to sleep. Most importantly, do it consistently and in a good mood.

Relaxed atmosphere, to teach the child to fall asleep on their own

Take some time to waste the kid to bed. Create a calm environment, not in a hurry and do not keep an eye on the clock, holding the usual rituals. Eliminate all disputes, accusations and punishment. Negative emotions will only aggravate the psychological discomfort of the baby, and he certainly did not fall asleep on the experiences that his mother left him alone in a crib.

Taboo on the threat and horror

Sometimes patience is running out, and the crumb is not even going to sleep. And then the parents are making a big mistake. "If you do not immediately fall asleep, after you arrive babayka!" - scares granddaughter grandfather. "Oh, someone scraped the cupboard!" - Dad jokes. As a result, the child appears resistant fear of the dark and loneliness. Left alone, he invents non-existent "monsters" that can end in neurosis.

Advice! All kids love to sleep in his own way: someone needs silence and the lights off, someone needs a mother's voice, singing his favorite lullaby, and someone needed a night light, running all night. Come meet your child and do as he pleases.

Patience and perseverance to teach the child to fall asleep on their own

When the baby is in the crib, you need to kiss him and leave the room. At this point, you need to show considerable patience. The child may cry and even to have a tantrum. It is necessary to go back and find out if everything is OK again to say goodnight and leave. At this stage, most of the parents "frustrated" and take the child to his bed. If you persevere and be patient a few days, the baby will fall asleep peacefully in his bed, realizing that the way it should be.

We make an exception

The exception to this is a sick child. If you have a fever or teething, do not leave your child alone while he recovers. And then slowly return to normal.

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Galya 10/23/2020 at 6:31 am

Youngest child long accustomed to sleep separately. Falling asleep with loonies and screaming, nightmare he dreams ... In general, the situation is difficult. Went with him to a pediatric neurologist, who said to buy evalarovskih bears with vitamin D3, it is useful for the nervous system. Now the situation is much better than sleep.

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