How to teach a child

How to teach a child

One of the acquired kids skills is the ability to sit down. Loving parents always concern questions about when their kid will sit down and how to help him in this. From boys await earlier success, looking at their fun posses, starting from five months of age. But what to do, when the term came up, and the baby does not want to sit down in any way? In which cases to contact the doctor and is it possible to speed up the process? We will talk about these and many other matters in our article.

How to teach a child to sit - age

To the six-month age in children, a rather rapid spine and muscles of the back, the final formation of the spine will occur to one year old age. According to the established standards of children's doctors, the baby must sit in the following indicators:

  • The kid sits with a support of 6 months.
  • Learn to sit without support for 7 months.
  • Sit yourself and go to the back from a sedental position - 8 months.
  • Deviation from age indicators per month or one and a half is considered the norm.

To check how much the muscles of your child are developed, spend a light test - the baby must lie on the stomach, lift it, clasping with two hands around the belt. If the back muscles succeed enough, the crumb will try to keep the body on the weight right, as when performing the exercise, swallow.

How to teach a child

So how do you teach a child to sit? Here, the opinion of pediatrician doctors diverge:

  • Some doctors, supporters of early development, argue that from 6 months it is worth practicing with gymnastics, games and sit down the baby.
  • Other doctors explain that it's not worth to force a child, it is forcing, since the baby will sit down himself when his body will be prepared.
  • The consequences of forced planning can be irreversible - the rapid muscle corset will not be able to protect the gentle bone of the baby during a forced seat. There will be an excessive load on the spine and in the future, the baby will be curvature.
  • Dr. Komarovsky claims - the later child will sit down himself, the better for his health as a whole. Are you sitting? Why can't your child sit down? The doctor is categorically opposed to toring the baby at the stage of forming a musculoskeletal system.
  • The advice from Dr. Komarovsky - it is possible to stimulate from 7 months not the seat of the kid, but the ability to crawl. During crawling, the muscles of the spine, arms, back and legs are strengthened. From the position "On all fours", the baby is much easier to sit down than from the position of lying.
  • Experienced mothers confirm that the baby is much better and easier to sit down when he is already crawling. At first he fell from the fours to one side, the handles stick and sits down. Then learn to sit from another side.

Conclusion - Mine Task Do not teach a child to sit, but to contribute to strengthen the spine with the help of soft exercises. What we will do in the continuation of the article.

How to teach a child to sit - auxiliary exercises

Begin to classes aimed at strengthening the spine, allowed from the six-month age. Prior to this stage of development, you can help the muscles of the back and the press to strengthen with the help of a suitable wearing - on the thigh of the mother. Turning the baby to her back, cover it with hand for the belt, then suck on the thigh. In such a position it is convenient to perform various houses in the house, since the second hand is free. Also in this posture, you unwittingly warmer and massag the crumbs tummy.

  • Make a child on a solid surface. Stretch with crumbs of two index fingers, the baby will take pickup and try to rise at 45 degrees. Hold it in this position not more than 5 seconds, then smoothly lower.
  • Ranishing on the ball - the baby put the tummy on the phytball, to her legs. Holding a crumb under handles, shoot on the ball - left to the right, forward back. At times, delay in the same position for 3-4 seconds, making the baby to get comfortable in an unusual condition. When the baby begins to perform the back of the back as in the boat, you can begin further exercise.
  • Hold your child behind the hips on the ball, perform movements from yourself and back. Do not forget to give the baby time to rest.
  • Pulling is the purpose of the exercise, pull the back of the crumbs with sipping. Put bright toys for an elongated arm. As soon as the baby gets one toy, immediately put the other. The task is very interesting, the kids stretch to the toy with perseverance and dying emotions.
  • We strengthen the muscles of the press - hang out of your favorite rattles in the crib so that the kid stretches to them slightly raising.
  • An excellent strengthening of the entire body is baby swimming in the pool or at home.

Did you like the exercises? Perform with pleasure, but remember, classes with the baby are the second order queue, on the first - give the baby to graze and he will sit down when he can!

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