How to teach a child to ride a bike

How to teach a child to ride a bike

Bicycle ride is a wonderful pastime for children of any age. It is fun, exciting and very helpful. You can master the bike child at any age. For the development of a two-wheeled friend, the optimal age is 4-5 years old. How to captivate a child with this activity and teach a bike?

How to teach a child to ride a bike - Picky

To start a child, you need to carry the bike so that he has a desire to learn how to ride it. Many children experience a sense of fear, insecurity in their power, so the task of adults is to show on their example that the bike is a friend and ride it is easy and fun. The first occupation can be just a walk next to the bike. Let the child holds it under the tilt, and learn to manage them.


How to teach a child to ride a bike - keep balance

  • To begin with, show the baby, how to get on the bike, to lie off, keep legs on pedals. Holding the bike, tilt it in different directions and show how to put the feet to the ground towards the tilt and do it up, while holding away from the fall.
  • Let the child try to hold the balance independently, putting his feet on the pedals. Let go of the bike a little so that the baby himself is oriented and could lean the leg about the Earth. Always be close to help crumbs if necessary.
  • When the baby learns to keep the balance, show him how to twist the pedals and use the brake. Having supported the bike on which the baby sits, carry it, and he let him turn the pedals. Ask him to click on the brake and immediately peel off the bike, leaning on the leg.

We master cycling skills

  • Before the baby learns to ride well at a two-wheeled friend, he will have to use it as a scooter. Hands of a child puts on the steering wheel. One leg puts a pedal for lowered to him, and the second is repelled from the ground and rolls the bike forward. At first, to keep the balance will not be so easy, the baby should not only keep the balance, but also to manage the steering wheel. You are next to the child from the opposite side. If the child falls into your direction, you can hold it. Only a few classes and the child will master this skill.
  • The next stage of the development of a two-wheeled bike - insurance. Find a comfortable walkway with a border. Let the child sit on the bike, the pedal twists with one leg, and the other is repelled from the border. If the child begins to fall on his side - he will fight his foot on the border, if on the opposite - you are pushing it.
  • Over time, the baby will turn more confidently to twist the pedals and do not fall from the bike. Now you can proceed to trading turns and maneuvering. Explain to the child how to tilt the housing when you turn, connecting the steering wheel. Keep track of inclination and always be near.

Tips parents to teach a child to ride a bike

  • For the successful driving of a two-wheeled bike, it is important that the steering wheel and the bicycle seat were installed at the right level. The steering wheel is at the level of the chest, and the seat so that the legs of the baby are taken to the pedals.
  • In order to facilitate the task in the first stages, purchase a bike with two additional wheels on the sides. You can also lower the seat a little so that the baby can quickly put his feet on the ground when falling and can avoid injury. And when he independently and confidently ride, then the seat can be lifted. Explain to the child that such a bike is different from the usual one - it will not be able to make a sharp turn.
  • Always be present with the child when learning, support it, to drop crumbages with humor and always encourage it. The kid must be sure that he will succeed! For cycling, choose safe places: parks, special sites, away from roads. On the quality of the road surface, too, note. Small depressions, pits, earthlings can cause an unexpected fall. And in order to avoid injuries, put on crumbling special means of protection: knee pads and helmet. Let the path be smooth and smooth. Teach the child to call in the bell, warning ahead of walking pedestrians.

Taking your child to ride a bike, you can make the whole family to make cycling, spend time together and enjoy friendly family holidays.

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