How to help a child when constipation

How to help a child when constipation

Violation of the work of another inconed intestinal tract is one of the most frequent reasons for the concern of young parents. The suffering to the kids bring not only colic, flatulence, but also difficult to conciliation or in a simple "constipation". In order to save a child from suffering, and parents from sleepless nights, it is necessary not only to eliminate the problem itself, but also to deal with the reasons for the appearance of constipation.

Causes of the appearance of a child's constipation

If it is not possible to eliminate the cause of constipation from the baby in time, then the problem can acquire chronic character and, after time, get rid of it everything is more complicated. Many adults can suffer with difficult conciliarity throughout life, alleviating the condition of only special enema and laxatives. 70% of "adults" constipation takes its beginning in childhood, so give hands and hope that "will pass" senselessly.

Functional constipation

The main causes of the functional violation of the chair:

  • Lack of water. It is extremely important to eat a child on artificial feeding with enough water, especially in summer and in the winter, when the lack of moistening due to heating devices is in place. For infants, the problem of constipation due to a lack of fluid in the body is not so relevant, but still, many pediatricians advise Mama to give a child on breastfeeding, up to 100 ml per day.
  • Ethrenal nutrition of a nursing mother or child. The large presence of protein and iron-rich products, little vegetable fiber and products that activate the operation of the gastrointestinal tract (prunes, beets, apples, apricot, dried apricots, etc.).
  • Introduction With the beginning of the child, the child can how to get the work of the gastrointestinal tract and give a failure. It should be carefully monitored which products are difficult to chalk at the kid.
  • Sharp power change. When moving from HB to the mixture, most kids have not only constipation, but also many other problems, such as food allergies and painful spasms.
  • Reception of medicines. When identifying various types of anemia, medicines can be assigned to a large iron content that almost 100% of cases leads to a difficult chair. In this case, you should not immediately go to the use of laxatives, but try to adjust the child's nutrition.
  • Frequent use of "helping" drugs. Often the mother goes to everything to facilitate the suffering of the child and in each case they seek to help the baby get rid of the carte masses. However, the frequent use of laxatives, enema and even special gas trap can lead to the disappearance of the necessary urges, as well as addictive to external stimulation and, as a result, the body becomes unable to freely get rid of constipation.

Organic constipation

It is much less likely to meet the organic cause of constipation in children. They occur due to diseases and congenital abnormalities gastroy. These reasons are usually determined by the kids during the first year of life, so the disposal of them is usually occurring by 2-3 years with proper treatment.

  • Lactose insufficiency. Often, doctors love to diagnoses without surrender, and "lactose failure" one of them. However, the lack or complete absence of a special enzyme helps to split milk sugar is determined only in the laboratory and in no way differently.
  • Girshprung disease. The partial performance of the intestine leads to increased gas formation and the appearance of constipation. This disease is rare and is determined only by the laboratory.
  • Dolichosigma. Too long sigmoid intestine slows down the intestinal emptying, which leads not only to constipation, but also frequent paincrops due to excessive pressure of the sigmoid bowel.

Psychological constipation

Psychological reasons can significantly influence the work of the intestine of grown children, because after 2-3 years in a child, the defecation process occurs under the control of the nervous system. Being in "uncomfortable" conditions, the baby can restrain the "urge" of the body long enough, which leads to the accumulation and sealing of the carts.

Most often, psychological constipation is observed in children during the period of moves, addictive to the kindergarten or teaching the pot. Frequent containment can lead a "loosening" mechanism of emptying and even acquire chronic.

Another type of psychological constipation is a way to manipulate adults. In the event of the first signs of constipation, many parents start to actively help the child, fuss around him and regret in every way. This adult behavior can lead to the fact that the child begins to deliver the chair deliberately. It is best not to panic in the emergence of difficulties of defecation at the kid and treat the situation as calm as possible.

How to help a child when constipation

If the hindered defecation is episodic and brings a strong pain, then first of all, parents should seek the inspection to the doctor. After excluding the organic cause of constipation, you can establish a child's chair with special disgraceing diets.

  • For children up to 6 months - mandatory digging of purified children's water on breast and artificial feeding.
  • A child from 6 months to 1 year can be adjusted to the operation of the gastrointestinal tract by introducing puree from apples, prunes and beets into the diet.
  • A positive effect on a daily soft chair of a child after a year has an introduction to the daily diet of soup and fermented milk products.

In-defined to the end of the intestine baby can be stimulated by a special soft abdominal massage. It is aimed at removing painful spasms, getting rid of gases and improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Moves during massage are performed with soft pressure clockwise. Additionally, you can use a warm diaper or towel. It is also good to take daily warm baths and lay out onto the tummy before each feeding.

If all attempts end in deplorable, and the absence of a chair lasts more than three days, then you can help the child with special laxative means. For children up to a year, it is permissible to use glycerin candles, microlax, duphalak and gauge tubes. From the use of enema is better to abandon, as it is easy to injure the rectum and cause sharp spasms from a child.

You should not often resort to mechanical intestinal stimulation, because these methods only remove the symptoms, but are not the treatment of constipation in a child. For competent and timely treatment, it is best to consult a doctor or a pediatrician at the place of residence.

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