How to understand that the child lacks breast milk

How to understand that the child lacks breast milk

As a mother who feeds his breast, can it understand that her child got enough milk? These doubts have lactating mothers often arise, as the breast is not a bottle, where it is clearly seen how many grams of milk ate the kid.

The weight and length of the child must constantly increase. This is the first sign that the child feeds well. Some moms weigh the kid before and after feeding.

How to understand that the child lacks breast milk - single indicators

Kid sucks milk in a special

With proper feeding, if you ignore the baby from the chest, then you will definitely see a lot of milk in the mouth. The child makes small pauses while eating to break.

When the child lacks milk, it seems to hang on his chest from the mother. Milk does not come and he, asking for his chest, waiting for him for a long time. Such pauses will be quite frequent.

Baby's excrement change in color

After the birth of feces, the child is Mekonia. Breastfeeding changes the child's chair, it begins to be gradually blonde. The child eats no more colostrum, but a full-fledged maternal milk. The feast of the child who feeds well will be creamy or watery. Shades of Cala vary from green to the color of the mustard. At the first weeks of life, the child will often walk in large, later this process will not happen more than 2-3 times a day.

Urination is an important indicator of the proper nutrition of a newborn

If the child lacks milk, it will be rarely written. If you change the diaper 5-6 times a day, you can be calm - the child eats enough.

False indicators that the child lacks milk

Chest does not seem complete

The female organism works under the individual needs of the child. After the first weeks of feeding, your chest will produce so much milk as your baby drinks. You should not wait for the ton of milk tons and a huge chest.

The child sleeps all day and night

In the first weeks of life you will have to encourage the child in a certain time. Build the baby and pick up to the chest. The child is still too weak, he needs to tune in and enter the rhythm.

Child crying while eating and after milk taking

If the child cries, it does not always mean that he is hungry. The kid may have a belly, he may not sleep, free sneakers or noise can be annoyed.

Child often requires breasts

The child himself must decide when he needs to eat milk. You should not worry that your child is starving if you see that he gains weight. If the baby often requires the chest and at the same time slowly gains weight, capricious and pissing little, then it is necessary to feed it with a dairy mixture.

Mom is obliged to follow the meal of his baby. On time, the measures taken will help to establish the process of feeding the child. Be sure to consult a doctor and lead regular observations of the child's development.

On this video it is clear that the child drinks milk correctly and he is enough for him:

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