How to wean a baby from the chest

How to wean a baby from the chest

Each loving mother tries to give her newborn baby care, affection and most importantly for him during this period - their breast milk. After all, this food for the child of the first year of life is the most useful, nutritious and tasty. It does not always happen to simply establish a breast feeding process, but if everything went well, the baby is so accustomed to the mother's milk that it becomes a difficult event in life.

Doctors recommend feeding children with breasts to one year old age. For various reasons, a woman can complete feeding before:

  • health problems;
  • access to work;
  • forced temporary separation with a child.

Breastfeeding for longer than a year can be associated with the health of the kid himself, his psychological state or simply not the unpreparedness of Mom to complete breastfeeding.

How to wean a baby from the chest - the temporary separation of the mother with the child

A rather old and common way, when a child or other relatives take a child for several days. This is a very difficult psychologically method, both for the mother and for the baby, because it is deprived of not only the beloved chest, which can always calm down and get enough sleep, but also a beloved, caring motley. For mom, it turns out also double stress - separation with a baby and a painful breast swelling process. If you still drag at the same time, trying to complete the lactation in this way - this can lead to very sad consequences, up to operational intervention. Therefore, it is necessary to approach more reasonably to the physiological conclusion of lactation.

Way to wean with medication drugs

There are preparations that overwhelm the production of hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation in the female breast. Doctors can assign such drugs, but it is worth noting that without reducing the amount of breastfeeding, this method will not be effective.

Plus this method is that lactation ends faster than without pills.

The minus for a woman can be side effects, after taking these drugs:

  • headache;
  • hormonal failure of the body;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea and dizziness.

Meeting a child from breasts in various methods

  • With the help of relatives who can walk with the child, play, distract him.
  • Nipple with nipples with green.
  • Wash the chest mustard, tincture.
  • It is more likely to caress, hug a baby.
  • Wear clothes without a deep neckline, do not bare the chest when child.

With these methods, stress, both for mom and for a child minimal, as you continue to communicate with the child, it feels your mood and your love for it. In terms of physiological momenting, the cessation of lactation, it is also more sparing: the clothes and the bra should wear comfortable, and when the breast is filled, it follows it to me. The smaller the child will suck the breast, the less milk will arrive.

Soft, natural way to wean from breastfeeding

The time is quite long, can delay from six months and more. But at the same time, psychological trauma is almost absent. If you are sure that breastfeeding is time to stop and the child gets enough common food, it means that it is worth passing these stages upon completion of feeding:

  • reduce the number of unscheduled feedings at the request of the child, try to distract it, more walking, do it;
  • cancel gradually all day feeding, including before falling asleep, and during sleep, also distracting fairy tales, songs, to joke the baby;
  • instead of morning feedings, cook karyas;
  • develop an evening departure to sleep without breastfeeding;
  • remove all night feedings.

The most important thing in this way is to do everything in consistently and gradually.

Get ready for yourself in advance and cook your child to the completion of breastfeeding, then this process will be easier for both of both. You will painlessly go to a new level of relationships and the further development of your baby.

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