How to wean a child from the bottle

How to wean a child from the bottle

The kids from the first day of life grow and develop. The time comes when mommy is resolutely configured to wean a child from the bottle. Someone is given very easily and quickly, and some break their heads on this issue. Most often, it is heavier this process occurs in children fed by artificial mixtures, and not breast milk.

When it is best to start to teach a baby from a bottle

There is no consensus when you need to take a child from a bottle. This process is individual and only mom can determine it. If your child confidently sits, holds a spoon firmly and can drink yourself from the mug, then this is exactly the moment. These factors concern only physiology. Do not forget about the mental state of the kid. When a child sucks a pacifier, he calms down or a bottle. No need to deprive him of a peculiar antidepressant. If the child has found ways to calm down without these attributes, then it is time to teach him from the bottle. And sometimes it happens that exhausting from the nipple becomes acutely necessary, for example, during long-distance trips, when parents cannot provide the preservation of the purity of the bottle, as well as the freshness of the mixture.

How to wean a child from the bottle - useful tips

  • Do not learn the child one day. It should be morally prepared for parting with such a favorite subject. It is best to start it during the day. And gradually abandon day usage. Instead of a bottle, offer to drink from a cup or a rifle. Take it with a new subject of use.
  • Select the right moment. The child must be in a good mood, and he should not disturb something.
  • Schwit. To do this, you need to pretty milk with water in a bottle, pre-tighten it, and pour good into the cup.
  • Go from the bottle to the sticker. It is easier for the child to abandon the bottle in favor of the ROOF, rather than in favor of the cup. The driver functions on the likeness of the cup.
  • Interest a child with adult dishes. Show how and where and drinks mom, dad, grandparents, grandparents. Children really want to grow faster.
  • Transfer the attention of the child from the bottle to another subject, for example, a soft toy with which he can sleep.
  • The final stage is a demonstrative farewell with a bottle. It can be given to a small child or give your beloved animals.

How to wean a child from a bottle - I bring the case to the end

If you have decided to teach the baby from the bottle, then do not give up at the beginning of the way. The first days will be the most severe. The child will demand to get his. The most important thing on the expiration of several days is not to succumb to the requirements of your baby. If this happens, this will aggravate the situation. Children from early age understand what manipulation is. Every subsequent time will be more complicated. The main thing in this difficult question is to act together with all family members.

How to wean a child from the bottle - what can inaction

Some moms belong to this topic neutrally. They believe that the child will refuse to suck the bottles when it considers it necessary. Such a step can lead to:

  • improper bite and the growth of teeth due to long-term use of the nipple;
  • violation of speech due to improper pronunciation of sounds;
  • long-term breakdown to the pot due to frequent urination.

Studying a child from a bottle - the process is painstaking. But every mother knows how to approach his baby. One can give a beautiful cup with a cartoon hero, and to push the other to give your thing to someone, the third - to show what an adult it is. Remember your baby personality!

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