How to wean a child from computer

How to wean a child from computer

A long-term consumption behind the computer is not very useful for the organism of an adult and a person formed, and what then talk about children or teenagers? Modern parents often face a problem when the computer becomes the enemy with whom you need to fight for your child. Creams and persuasions often do not lead to anything, but only aggravate the situation, setting up a child against themselves. But still you can try to change everything and teach a child to live in a different way - so that he has real childhood.

The first and basic rule for a child in every family having a computer technique should be like this: use a computer with benefit. This means that the time spent at the monitor must be spent not on stupid games and viewing stupid cartoons, but on useful, developing things (games, cartoons, programs).

Install hard temporary lept sites at the computer. Gradually reduce stay in front of the monitor to a minimum. At first, the child will be difficult to cope with the fact that it is limited, but if you do it systematically - get used to it.

More often involve your child in households, ask him for help, sometimes invent interesting and rolling tasks for him. Be sure to encourage the child for distraction from the seating at the computer.

Distract the child to any joint job. It may be an exciting walk, a competition in a board game, visiting children's events, creative work, a small journey. Demonstrate the youngest family member, how much the world may be no less interesting than the virtual.

If you have a daughter, take it in any occupation that develops a small motorcy, forming the perception and beauty of perception - it can be embroidery, weaving beads, drawing.

Boys to stimulate mobility and activity classes. Encourage your child to visit the sports section, let him choose one elective, which he seems most interesting.

Sharply limit the child from the computer and allows you to use them as a reward for his any significant success (good study, obedient behavior, high achievements on the sections or study groups, home care).

If the child is very attached to electronic toys and anything else does not want to do, try to download as much as possible his whole day so that the time to play the computer had no choice.

We can not predict how immature psyche responds to the virtual world and how detrimental this world is able to influence only just emerging identity. Try to protect your child from the computer, spend with them as much time as possible. Growing children will remember and appreciate all the moments spent with you.

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