How to make a child

How to make a child

Children's laughter gives positive emotions to many adults. But often they do not understand the true cause of children's fun and do not know how to make kid. At various ages, its laughter depends on different reasons.

Moms probably know that the baby begins to smile a few months after birth. In such an early age, light laughter is a sign of joy and reaction to pleasant sensations. In this period, short songs will come to the rescue, brilliant rattles, winkings and comic conversations.

After nine months, the child will begin to realize things that surround it. Try to play with him in hide and seek - hide from it toy or some thing and ask where it disappeared. Put the subject in such a way that it is in sight and the child did not worry, but radiated joy from the search.

You can also hide under the blanket hands or toy. Another good option - close your face with your hands and "hidey" or throw a handkerchief on the baby and slowly check it out. Fun guaranteed. Throw on the hair - the baby will start covering his eyes and laugh. During these games, smile and cort the funny faces, giving to understand the child that this is a game.

Try tickling the baby - he will surely laugh. If you tell him at a later age that you are going to ripping, it will shine even before the process starts, because it will begin to realize the causal relationship.

A well-known melody or favorite song also makes babies to rejoice. But here you have to try adults - play with a crumb during the song and put it more often. The baby will definitely remember the melody and, having heard her again, unwittingly smile.

To laugh a baby, you can slightly throw it up so as not to scare. The action itself is not ridiculous for the child, but it will be delighted with pleasant sensations. When he gets used, you can arrange real flights around the apartment, depicting an airplane and a lace of a child in the air. The laughter and wild delight will be provided.

Gradually, the baby will begin to memorize toys and names. Show each toy individually and pronounce the name. Spin the figurines in the hands, as if they dance or talk - the child will be fun and interesting.

When the baby is marching a year, he begins to be surprised at the surrounding wonders. Every day he sees many discoveries that make him wonder and laugh. If you accidentally turn off or drop some thing, the child will laugh, as the situation will be new and unexpected.

Buy a set of soap bubbles and play along with the baby. Funny flaking will cause a child delight and desire to repeat for adults.

In two years, children begin to form their own jokes and games. They can pretend to be talking on the phone, straighten the tie, apply cosmetics, copy father cough, mother of laughter, grandmother's speech, etc. Children depict adult behavior and go to a new level of development.

In two or three years, the child can joke independently. Children often entertain adults with their antics - sharply pop up from shelter, come up with funny stories, copy the film actors, hide, invent funny nicknames, and so on to relatives. They are playing their own games and jokes.

Try to teach the crumb to the humor from childhood and apply it with him in various circumstances, for example, when he is just learning to walk, talk, dress or sit at the table. Instead of discontent, laugh a baby. Jokes will remove concern about failure, configure it to a favorable way and allow you to bring the started to the end.

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