How to swaded a child

How to swaded a child

Young parents with the advent of the firstborn listen to the councils of care for him, which give a pediatrician and parents. One of them is the correct swords of the crumbs. It is relevant for those moms who do not want to wrap the ass of the baby in the diaper and adhere to the views of natural parenthood. Consider some options for wrapping the crumbs in diaper in steps.

Classic childhood child

  • You need a clean diaper on both sides and pure dry crumb.
  • Determine for yourself a comfortable place for swaddling, such as a special table, sofa or your bed.
  • Distribute the diaper and put the baby in the middle so that his head is above the cloth.
  • Press the right handle of the child along the body and tighten the right edge of the diaper with him for the back.
  • Like the left side.
  • Below on the legs of the child remained the tail. Turn it up on the legs from the bottom up and carefully season both ends around the legs into the side pockets. They turned out with you in the process of swelping.
  • In the cool room, the crumb will be uncomfortable in one diaper, therefore wrap it in warm on top of thin. Use the recommendations set out above.

Free Wildness of the Child

More freedom for crumb pens gives this kind of sweltering. If you do not use diapers, make them, for example, from gauze and dress for infants before blocking.

Either wrap it in a diaper folded by a shrink. For this, the ends on the sides of the Baby Taurus take turns. Wrap around his waist. Loose the free end at the bottom lift up and fill in the belt. It is formed from you as a result of the wrapping of the diaper.

Next take a clean diaper.

Your actions are similar to the previous point, in addition to the initial location of the kid. It should be put on the edge of the diaper so that the handles are above it, and the diaper was in the child at the level of the belt.

Further turn around the edges of the diaper, only pressing the handles you no longer need. Therefore, you spend less time on this process.


Diaper-envelope for swarenia

The market offers young parents ready diapers in the form of a sleeping bag on velcro.

When wrapped in it, the crumbs you will spend a minimum of time, and the baby will feel more comfortable. Because you can not create any unnecessary folds in the process of swaddling.

  • Spread the finished diaper on the horizontal surface.
  • Put the crumb of legs in a diaper bag.
  • Cress alternately handles and fix the edges of the velcro diaper along the body of the kid.

Photo instructions for the correct baby's swellery

Those who are accustomed to perceive information through the eyes, we suggest to consider photos with step-by-step actions for the shiny crumbs.
So, we looked at the basic ways to wrap a child in a diaper, studied step-by-step photos.
Remember that skill comes only in practice. Because drive fear and act, you will succeed!

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