How to reassure the newborn

How to reassure the newborn

When the long-awaited kid, any mother is alarming, the excitement and is ready to give everything, if only her child calmed down and peacefully calm in the crib. A newborn child cannot tell parents that he bothers and expresses his dissatisfaction with bitter tears. Even experienced mothers and dads, who have two or three children, sometimes do not know how to calm the infants and are in full confusion. Consider the main reasons for crying in newborns and ways to solve them.

How to calm the newborn - the feed of the kid

The very first and natural reason for the asking cry can be a feeling of hunger - the baby begins to cry, turn out from the diaper, open the mouth and look for the chest. In this case, of course, you need to quickly take a child in your arms and feed. If the child recently got, but it still cries and does not leave his chest - he may not have enough milk. How to check? Take a test for wet diapers.

For this, during the day, you need to not use diapers and consider how many times the day the crumb flies and how urine looks like. Baby, older than 10 days, should write from 6 to 12 times a day, and urine should be transparent and odorless.

Also, mom needs to pay attention to its nutrition. On the Internet there are many articles that nutrition does not affect the vitamin composition and the amount of breast milk. But if a woman is sitting on a diet, it eats little and is not sufficiently satisfying and useful food - milk becomes liquid and ceases to saturate the body of the infants.

How to calm the newborn - we carry on the handles

When the baby eats, together with the milk in his ventricle, can get air, which causes pain and discomfort. In this case, the child frowned forehead, sweeps the legs and crying plaintively. How to help? After eating, do not forget to keep the kid by a column, watch the crumb tightly wrapped the nipple with her lips, feed at an equal period of time and lay the kid to sleep on the tummy.

How to calm the newborn with intestinal colic

Most of the parents are familiar to such a picture: after evening feeding, the baby is actively knocking with legs, spinning and continuously shouts. In addition, the face is blushing, and the nasolabile triangle can pale. When palpation, the tummy will be tense and strongly swap, fingers and heels often become cool, and the handles are tightly pressed against the chest, the cause of the scream is intestinal colic. How to calm:

  • Put on a sick tummy a warmed diaper, bent at the same time the legs of the baby in the knees. Make a warm relaxing bath. Many mammies advise to pour a warm water to the navel area or apply a bottle, from which the baby is fed, with warm content.
  • Mildly massage the tummy, stroking clockwise.
  • Bend the legs in your lap, attach tightly to the abdomen, return to the original position, exercise 5-7 times. With proper execution, the baby must start to boil - it means that accumulated gas.
  • The oldest way to learn abdominal pain is a decoction of dill. The teaspoon of seeds is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist and give 10-15 grams at a time, 1-2 times a day.

Try not to worry: the child can feel the alarm of the parents and will worry even more.

How to calm the baby - change diapers

The baby may want to cry, cry and try to pull the handles from the diaper, trying to free themselves from it - if it is wet, the wrong wrapped either on the panties or pants there are too rude seams, rubbering gentle skin. He becomes uncomfortable, cold and he cannot calmly fall asleep. In this case, the crumb should be moved, it is good to drain and cover the blanket.

Also, the baby may be elementary stuffy, hot or cold. To determine the cause - take the legs, handles and backs. When the crumble becomes hot, the hair and the back become wet, it begins to remove in the diaper, and the cheeks become red. In this case, the newborn needs to be easy to wear.

If the crumb frozen - he starts to squeeze, shrill cry, feet and fingers get cold and can even sit down. To warm the baby, it is necessary to wear it warm, take on the handles and calm down.

Toughness in newborns

The appearance of diaperoses can overtake the crumb suddenly, he begins puzzled crying, badly sleep and capricious. In this case, it is necessary to release the inflamed place from the diaper, buy a baby in the bath with a light mortar of manganese, after which lubricate the skin with children's cream or treat baby powder. With the appearance of blisters, urgently contact your doctor's doctor.

And of course, you must not forget about the body contact with your treasure - hug, kiss, wear and tell your child on your hands! When mom is near, any ailments are passing faster, and then they are receding at all!

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