How to keep a newborn column

How to keep a newborn column

The only born baby is defenseless and fragile. Even if the mother has the experience of handling a newborn, anyway, a woman is fear for his child. Not every woman is decided to take the crumb at once on the handles to not injure. Therefore, the future mammy should know how to properly keep a newborn.

Why keep a newborn pincion

Some young parents believe that it is better not to teach the child to hand, let them sleep in their crib.

But specialists have a different opinion:

  • Close contact of crumbs with mom is very important for a new man. Thus, the skin to the skin with bodily contact is established between the baby and the mother.
  • As soon as the child was taken on the hands - the angle expands and the child sees more than in the lying position. Thus, he not only meets the big world, but also remembers the items in the room.
  • Physical development of crumbs is no less important. If we are properly wearing a child in your arms, all groups of the child's muscles are gradually train.

How to take a child

From the position lying, that is, when the baby lies in the crib, you need to learn how to take it on the handle correctly:

  • it is necessary to raise the newborn to both hands;
  • one palm carefully hold the crumb for the back of the head, substitute the second palm under the ass;
  • raise the baby carefully and smoothly, without sharp movements.

How to keep a newborn column

In this position, the child is freed from excess air that can be accumulated in the stomach during feeding. Therefore, it is very important to let the child get rid of this air. Since the newborn still does not know how to keep the head and the muscles of the spine are still very weak, it is very important to learn how to keep the kid to the toddler.

How it's done:

  • Put at once yourself on the shoulder diaper, folded several times.
  • Take the child so that the head is on the shoulder, keep your head with a palm of one hand so that your fingers hold the neck vertebrae.
  • The second hand must hold the body of the baby along the spine so that the crumb "stood" the column. Firmly and strongly pressing the gentle caller is not needed, but also do not forget that the baby is not oriented in space and can slip out.
  • The legs of the newborn are in a free position, it can be like straightened and squeeze to the tummy.
  • To get rid of the air after feeding, you need to hold the baby in such a position for a few minutes (from 2 to 5), then you can put the crumb into the bed.
  • All your movements should be very careful and smooth, especially in the first weeks of the baby. With each month, the child will gain a mass, his muscles will grow and then you can harm the baby without fear, keep it with a column.

keep a newborn column - tips and precautions

These tips will help you grow a healthy and strong child:

  • raise a newborn and put on the wrists and brushes of hands undesirable, because the joints of the baby are still very weak;
  • raise the kid from the position lying, without holding the head, is very dangerous. Neck muscles are weak and if not to provide support, the head of the crumbs can trap back;
  • long load on the body is harm to a newborn.

Now you know how to keep the crumb column and you can teach this reception of your relatives.

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