How to give espumizan newborn

How to give espumizan newborn

Capricious and painful condition newborn The child often bothers and scares the parent. Colic, constipation and gases surround a children's body and day, and at night, meanwhile parents go through medications, in the search for at least a little to alleviate the pain of the baby.

Now gaining popularity Espumizan. Due to the substances belonging to the medical preparation, Espumizan will help get rid of OT colik and constipation, both in adults and in children of any age.

Indications for use Espumizana Newborns

  • Medical preparation is used as auxiliary means digestion milk and mixes newborn. It also provides an anesthetic and soothing effect. If you give Espumizan newborn, For 5-10 minutes, it will feel ease in the tummy and immediately calm down.
  • Espumizan Also apply before the abdominal ultrasound procedure. It helps the air to get out of a small organism faster, which allows ultrasonic waves to give more information about the health status of the kid.

How to give Espumizan Newborn

  • Before proceeding to the use of the medical preparation, it is necessary not only familiarize With the instructions, but also consult with a children's doctor.
  • Espumizan It has a sweet taste, so the kid will easily take it. Besides, medicine can be made in conjunction with breast milk or a mixture, if necessary, you can mix.
  • For the prevention of intestinal disorders newborn, You can give a medical preparation before bedtime and be sure that the night will be calm.
  • Newborn Children drug give in accordance with the data on its age and weight. Consumption of medication from 10 to 25 drops is allowed. In order to measure the droplets correctly, the drug has a special dispenser, which will not allow the dose to accidentally.
  • Espumizan It is recommended to use no more than 5 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 4 months. Medical preparation is recommended to be used until colic And gases will not completely leave the children's body.

Contraindications for use Espumizana Newborns

Basically, Contraindications have no drug. However, the children's body is so individual that some components Espumizana Can still cause an allergic reaction. In this case, it is necessary to stop using the medical device and look for other methods of influencing the intestines of the baby.

If you want to give Espumizan newborn To the child together with other healing drugs, then definitely notify the pediatrician about it. Otherwise, with incompatibility of components, additional health problems may occur.

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Ksenia 10/23/2019 at 2:57.

it is better to give a natural remedy, without a symitical one. I gave Baby Kalm. There is dope, anise and mint oil. Well helps from colic and from the gas formation, and the chapter does not harm the natural immunity of the child

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