How can I give a child Activated coal

How can I give a child Activated coal

In the first-aid kit for each mother there is an activated carbon. It is not surprising, because it is an ideal means for the withdrawal of toxins from the body not only adults, but also children. How to give the child a child activated carbon? The drug is completely harmless to the kid's body. But it should be treated with caution, as well as any other medical treatment.

The first months of the life of the kid in most moms are associated with colic. Coal is able to solve these problems, but at the same time he kills many useful substances in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in the first year of life, the drug can only be given to the child only by appointing a doctor. This remedy is not suitable for the treatment of dysbacteriosis. Here the baby will only help probiotics.

When taking activated carbon, the weight of the child should be considered. One kilogram must be given a 0.05 g of coal powder. This medicine can be used three times a day, but not earlier than two hours after meals. If you lose one of these rules, then from the body will be removed both toxins and nutrients that came with food. If the baby has poisoning, then treatment with activated carbon can last from three days before the week.

How to choose how to choose activated carbon in a pharmacy? Each mother should know that now the drug is produced in the form of tablets, powder, capsules, pasta. You need to choose the form only considering the age of Chad. One of the most efficient options is the powder to be mixed with water. Of course, this mixture can be done independently using a tablet. It is a powder that is recommended for the use of children under two years.

Side effects from activated coal are rare, but still probability exists. Most often, after a long use of medication, children are observed. Therefore, it is worth adhere to all recommendations of the attending physician and adjust the power. The use of the drug may be in cases of allergies. The drug is able to clean the body from such consequences. Doctors prescribe this type of treatment with bronchial asthma, conjunctivitis. The dosage in this case is assigned exclusively by a doctor-allergist.

It is necessary to consult with the attending physician according to the methods of application and dosage of activated carbon. This rule concerns children under the age of 12. Many people believe that the medicine is not able to harm. This opinion is wrong. The output of the useful substances from the body can lead to weakened immunity.

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Oleg 04/11/2019 at 16:55

I can say a pediatrician that there is nothing good in this drug. Old, dough ... and the benefits of him a lot of times stood in question. The only thing that works exactly when problems with the intestines is the restoration of microflora. I usually advise children tank-set Baby to give a kefir on an ongoing basis in the diet to include. If all this observes the tummy ceases to flure))

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