How to find out if it is possible to swim in a pond

How to find out if it is possible to swim in a pond

Most of the Russians live far from the sea, but even in this case there are places for relaxation near reservoirs in the summer. And, of course, few will stand before the temptation to swim in hot summer days. However, not all places are suitable for bathing, the water in some of them can harm your health.

Before you go to the beach, to the banks of the river, lakes or pond, contact the Internet. Every year, the administration of the settlement conducts an audit for compliance with resting places with sanitary standards. Data on the audit is published in the media, as well as on the website of the local administration. You should get acquainted with them. During the audit, they take water for research and check how safe it is for the health of citizens. In addition, approved beaches should have changing cabins, toilets, showers and other necessary infrastructure, as well as functioning rescue and medical points.

If you have not found a place you have chosen among those listed in official sources, this does not yet mean that you can’t swim in it. Perhaps this is just a wild beach who does not have the owner, and he is not an officially registered vacation spot. In this case, you can also look for information about him in the media or at local forums. Look at the map and determine what is next to a chosen reservoir. If any technical enterprise is located nearby, then it is better to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bbathing, because drains can fall into the water.

When you have already arrived at the place, carefully inspect the coastline, and also pay attention to the installed signs, if any. Perhaps you will see the inscription that bathing is prohibited here. Inspect the coastal and coastal line for garbage, broken glasses, old snags or reinforcement. Do not swim in unfamiliar places and especially jump from cliffs or towers, not knowing the depth and condition of the bottom. If you still get hurt, it is better to use the first-aid kit and go to the emergency room, as an infection may get into the wound.

Look at the surface of the reservoir: if it has a lot of mud and aquatic plants, this means that the water is standing here. This means that it is an excellent nursery for various bacteria and sticks, especially in the conditions of the summer heat. After bathing in such water, you can “catch” a whole bouquet of diseases, from banal intestinal infection and ending with rather exotic rabies and leptospirosis, the carriers of which are animals. They can also swim in water, drink from it and generously share their diseases with you.

It is also not recommended to swim in reservoirs with a quick flow, dangerous depths and whirlpools - even skillful swimmers may not cope and drown. If such incidents have already happened in this area, this is most likely mentioned in the press, but do not forget that everything happens for the first time.

Naturally, the basic rules of bathing should also be observed: do not jump from steep cliffs, do not get into the water, while intoxicated, always have a first -aid kit with you and be ready to provide first aid.

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