What can be transported in an airplane

What can be transported in an airplane

Preparing for the trip, it is necessary to refine information about the shipping in the selected airline (permissible size and general rules). All luggage is divided into three types: manual sting (what you can take with you to the salon), submitted objects (things that are transported in the luggage compartment), additional items (what is taken with you in the salon: phone, laptop umbrella, Camera, prostheses, etc.). In almost all airlines there is a list of what can be transported in an airplane.

Since 2014, in the cabin of the aircraft of some airlines, it is forbidden to carry any liquid, except for the vital drugs (in liquid form), hygiene objects and baby food. However, those companies that are allowed to transport aerosols, liquids and gels introduce restrictions on the number - no more than one liter per person. Everything should be packed in a 100 ml container and folded into a plastic transparent clips. The exception is the vital medication (they must necessarily require a recipe) and baby food, if it needs more than 100 ml.

It is allowed to transport products from duty free trade stores (Duty Free), but everything should be packaged in the plastic bag and sesso. The purchase date is made - confirmation that everything was bought on the day of departure. One passenger is allowed to transport 5 liters of beverages, in which the alcohol content is more than 24% (no more than 70%). It is worth noting: if the flight is with transfers, it should be caught in the Duty Free, it follows the place of the last transplant, as if you buy earlier, it will be considered as an ordinary liquid, the volume of which exceeds 100 ml.

In the cabin of the aircraft you can carry documents, books, magazines, valuable things, electronics, money (weighing permitted airline), it is also recommended to take fragile things and souvenirs with you.

Transportation of weapons in the plane is paid. Be sure to have permission, as well as on import / export. About such things is reported when booking tickets, as well as during registration. The weapon is made in a discharged form in a special container, which must comply with the rules for the safety and safety of weapons. In this case, ammunition must be in a separate packaging. On one passenger, the weight of ammunition should not exceed 5 kg.

In the luggage compartment, you can transport almost any things that are not prohibited by the relevant regulatory documents, but is not allowed to exceed the permissible weight.

Many airlines allow you to carry animals both on board and in the luggage compartment. Must must be a pet cell. Most often transported dogs, cats and hamsters. There must be a veterinary passport and a testimony that is really 3 days. An animal that is transported in the cabin should be weighing up to 8 kg. Up to 40 kg can be transported by animals, birds and rodents in the luggage compartment in durable wooden containers, pre-arranged by airplanic.

As for food, you can take everything that does not look like a liquid into the salon. The only thing is: There is a list of products that cannot be imported into one or another country, it is better to clarify about it in advance. It is not recommended to import and export plants and seeds, only in the presence of phyto-certificates that are issued when purchasing. You can carry fruits and vegetables, but it is necessary to pack them correctly to maintain a normal form, since in the luggage compartment the cargo may be damaged.

Before going on a journey, it is best to clarify the airline with informants that exactly and in what quantities can be transported to avoid unpleasant incidents.


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