What can be viewed in india tourist

What can be viewed in india tourist

India is a country in which there are so many attractions that you are simply impossible to visit them for one trip. Therefore, it is possible to ride India as often as you want, and at the same time to visit new places every time and discover the country from the new parties.

The first is about what you remember when it comes to India is, of course, the magnificent Taj Mahal. The majestic and unique architectural construction is the main attraction of the country and is known to the whole world. Snow-white marble, beautiful lattices, precious stones are striking imagination. Architecture and attention to detail makes mausoleum not only the tomb with a beautiful legend, but also one of the wonders of the world, which come from all over the world.

The most numerous attractions of India are a variety of Hindu temples, which are a huge set in all corners of the country. So you can choose any route and familiarize yourself with the temples that are located in your region. However, some temples should be visited specifically, since such you will no longer find anywhere. For example, such a temple are the caves Ajanta. This is a monastery consisting of 29 temples, each of which is located in the man-made cave. Walls and ceilings caves are decorated with unique frescoes and carvings and represent a fascinating sight.

Rich India and various palaces located in different parts. For example, one of the favorite places for visiting tourists is the Golden Palace. Approximately 100 kg of pure gold went to the decoration of the gilding of his walls. The entrance to the palace is open to everyone and anyone can appreciate the beauty and splendor of this architectural structure. Non-standard for India Bangalore Palace, built in the style of Tudor, is as attractive for tourists. Rich decoration, interesting architectural techniques, wonderful paintings and wood carving combine European and oriental styles.

Golden Palace-Amritsar India

If you get tired of contemplating the architectural beauties of India, it's time to draw attention to its natural miracles. One of these miracles is Dudchsagar's waterfall - more than three hundred meters of water falls from the top, scattering on small splashes and forming a cool water at the very bottom. The name of this waterfall in Russian sounds like the "Milk Ocean" and is associated with the legend of the princess, which listed in the lake of milk to hide his body from an impaired observer. Align a visit to the waterfall visit to the Bhagwan Mahavir Reserve, where a huge number of diverse bird species is found.

Waterfall Dudchsagar-in-Goa

It is worth paying attention to the reserves of India: Kotigao attracts tourists to the fact that it is easy to get even on its own. There are two 25-meter observational towers from which you can see water, as well as magnificent multi-storey jungle. The small Bandla Reserve is very popular - it will be especially here to children: Zoosad, a miniature railway, riding an elephant will be delighted not only by small children, but also adolescents. Also animal lovers can visit the zoo in Delhi, many species of animals and the magnificent decoration of the zoo will not leave anyone indifferent.

Of course, one of the attractions of India is sea sandy beaches. Many go here exclusively for the sake of a beach holiday, one of the most popular destinations is Goa. Sand, palm trees, clean transparent water - all attracts a huge number of tourists from around the world. On the beaches you can enjoy surfing, kiting, diving and snorkeling or make a boat trip on the yacht.

If you are going to Goa, it is worth at the same time to visit the spice plantations. Many plantations are scattered throughout the state, and excursions can be purchased in any travel agency. Cardamom, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Carnation - you can feel all these smells, try dishes prepared with the addition of various spices, see how they are grown and treated.

India is extremely rich in miracles and beautiful architectural and natural monuments. Therefore, a journey into this country can become a sip of fresh air and a real discovery. Perhaps you will come back for new impressions.

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