What to see in Turkey

What to see in Turkey

Turkey for many Russians has become practically native, because thousands of vacationers of compatriots prefer this particular country. Here they entail their clean sea, good service, a wonderful climate and more important item - here the staff of hotels speak Russian. In addition, Turkey has a rich history, so it is necessary to use the opportunity to take away some deep knowledge from this sunny country.

Blue Mosque - a unique architectural construction that has a huge historical value. Built by order of the Turkish Sultan Ahmet I, who did not won a single war, had to decline God's mercy and for many years of the Board of Sultan. The mosque became the symbol of Istanbul. This majestic, graceful, elegant and magnificently decorated mosque has no equal in the world.

Topkapi Palace - the main residence of Turkish sultans until the mid-19th century. Today it is a favorite tourist attractions of Istanbul, one of the richest museums of the world. The palace was built in 1479 on the seaside of the Marmara Sea. It is a palace complex of four courtyards. The museum exhibits presented here were previously pride of Turkish Padishakhov.


Saint Sophia Cathedral is the best sample of Byzantine architecture. The Cathedral was built on the initiative of the emperor of Justinian and was supposed to display the power and wealth of Byzantium. It is a symbol of the former majesty powers. It was founded as an Orthodox church, but in the 15th century turned into a Muslim mosque. The building was repeatedly rebuilt, and his story begins with 573 years. Now this is a museum, the most luxurious in the world.

Alanya Fortress is the main attraction of the city of Istanbul, his key historical monument. Perfectly preserved, and you can admire it in all its glory. Built in the 12th century with one goal - to protect the city. Here is the Mint and Sultan Winter Palace. The total length of the walls is about 8 km.

The temple of Artemis - in the ancient world one of the seven wonders of the world. The temple in magnitude and beauty did not have equal, built in the middle of the 6th century BC. It is located in the Turkish city of Selchuk, earlier here was the Greek city of Ephesus. From a large, majestic building there is a little - foundation and one of 127 columns.


Kyzyl-kule tower is the main attraction of the city of Alanya, the symbol of the city, displayed on its flag. Every year it is visited by a huge number of tourists. Translated its name means "Red Tower". It was built 1226 in order to protect the city from the enemy. Inside the good quality of the construction, 85 steps leads to the very top.

Waterfall Manavgat - Located near the city of the same name. This is an artificial dam, built when creating a reservoir for water heights in this place. It has amazing dimensions - height 2 m, and the width of the whole 40 m. During the flood completely goes under water. Very beautiful terrain around, especially in the fall.


Dolmabach's Palace is a luxurious, the most "non-Netureskaya" Residence of Turkish monarchs. The brilliant Baroque style on the shore of Bosphorus gave a special charm to the palace, allowed him to compete with the best Palaces of Europe and even surpassed them in his pomp. Built in a picturesque place in 1853. It is the official residence of the Turkish Prime Minister.

The spice market in Istanbul is impossible to visit the city and not to visit the real Eastern Bazaar. Istanbul has always been the center of trading in all countries of the world, it happened from antiquity to the present day. They argue that the spices market has something that is no longer found anywhere. Largely inferior only to the famous Grand Bazar. The spice market or the Egyptian bazaar is in a historical place at the entrance to the Golden Horn Bay.


Aquarium in Antalya, according to the official site, has the world's largest tunnel aquarium, its inhabitants have more than 10,000. The aquarium also offers tourists tired of tourists to a snow world, where you can play snowballs and meet Santa Claus.


Pamukkale is a "cotton fortress" in the language of the Aboriginal. Snow-white terraces are formed by running down thermal waters, sources salts accumulate in countless slopes. It is impossible to walk here, but you can swim in the Cleopatra known to many baths, which are located at the foot of the plateau. Fans of thermal waters and antiquity connoisseurs come to the resort of Pamukkale.

Turkey is not only a magnificent coast with picturesque beaches, this is another country that enlists the history and heritage of many civilizations. Even the most silent traveler here will find
Historical, architectural and natural attractions, which will forever subduct his heart.

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