What to see in the Czech Republic

What to see in the Czech Republic

The popularity of the Czech Republic in the tourist world is not surprising. In whatever corner of this country you are, you will have the opportunity to touch the history of the Middle Ages, enjoy the natural landscape, and just talk with good, hospitable locals.

Acquaintance from the Czech Republic is traditionally starting with Prague. Czech capital is a real open-air museum. Prague Castle, Cathedral of St. Vita, Petrshin, Old Place, Charles Bridge, Wenceslas Square is a mandatory program of any tourist. To master all the sights of the city, you will need a few days.

Prague Zoo is one of the most huge in Europe, it can rightly be called the reserve. Animals do not live in cells, but in huge avoices, the arrangement of which is as close as possible to natural conditions. There is a pavilion that supports the Jungle Indonesia ecosystem with tropical plants, gibbons and bats.

Brno - the second largest city of the Czech Republic and the Cultural Center of the country. In this city, several famous art galleries, as well as the entire summer season, theatrical festivals and concerts are held. On the outskirts of the city there is a racing track where Formula 2, MotoGP and others are held.

Plzen is the center of local brewing, such well-known varieties are boiled here as "holiday" and "Gambrinus", the unique taste of which is based on special Plsen water and local malt. There is a museum of brewing in which the history of beer manufacturing is revealed, the production process, the features of its storage.

The Royal Brewery "Crushovitsa" is one of the largest brewing plants in Europe and the most famous brand of beer. Thanks to the special varieties of barley and malt and absence of pasteurization, beer has a unique taste, and the demand for it is present not only within the country, but also far beyond. Excursions are organized at the plant.

The Czech Republic is not called the country of locks. They are more than two and a half thousand. In the vicinity of any city there is no one castle or fortress. Visit Gothic Castles Karlstein, Krshivoclat, Orlik-Nadavava, Lokels, Khuznitsa, admiring his gloomy rigor and inaccessibility.

As opposed to Gothic, there are castles of the Renaissance era, lungs, bright, luxurious, personifying holiday and wealth - Czech Krumlov, Chervena Lgota, deep-over-Vltava, Duzkhov, Lednice. Each of the castles keeps its history, its spirits. In the halls presented preserved collections of dishes, paintings, weapons, interiors.

Moravian Kras - a system of karst caves, where the flow of tourists does not run out. Caves here more than a thousand overall length of more than 25 km. To visit tourists, only four are available, but this is enough to get acquainted with the world of dungeons and see the cave inhabitants - bats.

You can come to the Czech Republic at any time of the year, it seems to be bad weather. In the spring and summer, the country will meet you with blooming gardens, in the fall - multiweight falling asleep trees, in winter - snow-covered streets, garlands and christmas sales.

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