How to place a visa to the Czech Republic

How to place a visa to the Czech Republic

If you planned a trip to the Czech Republic, you need to arrange a Schengen visa. It is not as difficult as many consider it simply will need some time to collect documents.

Determine what way you will receive a visa. Three options are possible: at the Czech Consulate of the Czech Republic in Moscow, in the Travel Agency, in the Visa Center. Such centers are in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Samara, Rosnow-on-Don, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Omsk, Vladivostok and other major cities of Russia.

Regardless of the selected option, prepare a package of documents:

  • International passport;
  • The photo;
  • Profile;
  • Medical insurance;
  • A copy of the Russian passport;
  • Confirmation of the goal of the trip;
  • Confirmation of funds for the period of the trip;
  • Tickets there and back.

For detailed information about the design of documents, restrictions and assumptions, see the website of the Czech Embassy -

When submitting documents on their own to the consulate, it will be necessary to pay only the cost of the visa itself - 35 €, with an urgent design you will have to pay 70 € for a visa. Previously need to make an appointment by phone: + 7-495-504-36-54 or + 7-499-681-13-56. When submitting, the personal presence of adult applicants is necessary. Applications begin to take 3 months before the trip. In the summer and on the eve of the holidays, the queue for applications can reach the month and more, be sure to count on their time. Usually, the visa is made in 5 business days, but one can never eliminate the likelihood of error when making changes, the time will also need to be changed.

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If the time of the trip is pressed, you can speed up the process of obtaining a visa by contacting the visa center. There is no pre-recording, the reception of documents is carried out on the day of circulation. Usually in visa centers, a sufficient number of windows and large queues do not happen. In this case, in addition to the cost of a visa is 35 €, you will have to pay the services of the center - 1000 rubles for a visa. The visa center does not guarantee the visa provision by the consulate, and in the event of a refusal of paid fees are not returned.

When making a trip to the travel agency, a visa is usually included here. In this case, you will have several simplified list of necessary documents, for example, hotel reservation and tickets will prepare a travel staff. It happens that the questionnaire fills the agent, you only need to provide data in any form. You also will not need to stand in the queue for submission of documents. However, for these services will have to pay well, the cost is established by the Agency, usually it is 130-150 € for a visa.

_Fiest_ (Severodvinsk)

To avoid such trouble as a failure in granting a visa, be careful when filling out the questionnaire and other documents. The presentation of incomplete or false information can deprive you a long-awaited trip and to lift the reputation for obtaining visas in the future.

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