How to issue a passport

How to issue a passport

An abroad passport is the document required to go beyond the country that certifies the identity of the owner. Anyone can arrange him independently. The procedure is simple and does not take much time.

First, familiarize yourself with the list of documents you want to provide for a passport. It is usually standard: a regular passport, a statement (in two copies), the birth certificate of children and their copies, state duty and paid receipt for the passport form, 4 photos, a copy of the employment record (if you do not work - original), military card with a mark on ending military service, previous passport.

You have the right to issue a document both at the place of registration and at the place of actual residence. You can apply in electronic form through the official website of a single portal for state-owned and municipal services.


Allocate the general sample and old-sample passport. The first is issued for a period of 5 years, the second - by 10. The main difference is that the presence in the biometric (new) passport of the microcircuit, which stores information about the owner of the document. For its design, special photos are needed, which are made directly in the UFMS. The state duty on his issuance is 2.5 thousand rubles, it is impossible to enter children. The biometric passport is considered more reliable.

The passport of the new sample is issued at the place of registration for a month, at the place of stay - within four months. The term of the passport of the old sample is one month, the state duty is 1 thousand rubles.

You can pick up the finished document in the FMS branch, better call in advance and specify the clock of the reception. When submitting an application via the Internet, an invitation will come to an electronic box where the date and time of the reception will be indicated.

It is easy to issue a passport. Exhaustive information for each type of passport and the features of their design can be found on the official websites of the federal migration service and the Unified State Service portal.


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