How to get a visa in the UAE

How to get a visa in the UAE

Although you are going to the beach holidays in Fujairah or watch the sights of Dubai, the Russians must issue a visa to visit the Emirates, and this should be done in advance. Requirements are a bit softer than when making documents for entry into the Zone of the European Union. But still exist their features and subtleties.

When placing a visa, remember that it will be done exclusively through the mediator. After all, the Embassy has the right to make documents only people who have official or diplomatic passports of citizens of the Russian Federation. If you decide to act on your own, you will also have to turn to the intermediary. Or it is possible to arrange through the Dubai visa center. But in this case, the airline "Emirates" swore for you. In addition, the new visa center of Asia countries has recently opened in the Emirates.

There are 3 types of visas that can be issued for a trip to the UAE:

  1. A guest visa receive tourists if you wish to stay in the Emirates for 14 days or more. Also under this category, members of families who live on a long-term visa are falling under this category. Document registration is possible through the guarantor. They are Any resident of the UAE. Also under this category there is a hotel or company in the UAE. You can stay with the country for 90 days. Cost - from 11 685 rubles.
  2. Transit visa is popular if desired, visit the Emirates on the way to other states of the world. As a rule, it is Australia, Africa and South. In addition, this visa will suit those travelers who will have to have enough long time at the airport. It is drawn up for 96 hours. Price - from 2360 rubles.
  3. A tourist visa is most popular, which travelers are just used. Minimum cost - 2830 rubles. Issued for a month. In addition, its cost depends on the drawing service. For example, the price of a tourist visa obtained through the Dubai Center is minimal, and documents through the center of Asia will cost you at 3450 rubles. Opening visas for children for free. Otherwise, if there is a passport, the child will have to fulfill normal conditions.

If you fly through Dubai, buy tickets in Emirates, you can contact the Dubai Center for a visa. It is located in Moscow. Tourists, citizens who are departed in the UAE for study can be issued here. And if you go to visit. This also includes persons who are married to the UAE citizen (provided that the marriage is concluded).

To open a visa, prepare the documentation:

  • passport (valid half a year after the trip), you will need an original document;
  • last turn, remove the copy;
  • internal passport;
  • make copies from all pages of the Russian passport;
  • form for which you will receive a visa, fill in English, put a signature;
  • a paper ticket back-back, confirmation of armor is allowed;
  • receipt, which confirms the payment of visa collection;
  • color photo, which has a size of 3.5 × 4.3 cm, made recently, on which the face takes at least 80% of the area;
  • copies of all visas that act or were used, including those that were in an old passport;
  • permission from the spouse, if a woman travels without a husband, from parents for children, a copy of their document;
  • documents on financial consistency (2ndfl, extract from the bank account);
  • invitation upon a visit to relatives from the UAE citizen, the invitation can also send a residence permit, prepare copies of the inviting person document;
  • confirmation of armor room at the hotel.

Intermediaries that will help get a visa are airlines, travel agencies or hotels. Also sponsors are company, where the applicant is working in the UAE. This is also ranked and residents of residents of the Emirates. By issuing a visa through an intermediary, follow this recommendation:

  1. Prepare the scans of passport, provided that it will be valid at least half a year after the trip. Make screenshots. Fill in an English questionnaire. Prepare the birth certificate.
  2. Save scans in JPEG format. Remember that the file should not have the size that more than 40 kb. Copies of the passport and photo when sending cannot be united. File names must consist of a name and surname written in English, and marked "Passport" or "Photo".
  3. When booking for recreation hotels 2 or 3 stars lonely women should make a special deposit to travel agency. Its size is $ 1,500. This money will go to pay a fine if the tourist in the last time does not leave the country.
  4. Women under 30 should have a copy of marriage certificates.

In addition, to issue a visa in an authorized center In this case, the financial status will not need. There will also be no certificates and discharge from the bank. Electronic documents can be sent to the address: The cost of the visa will be 3990 rubles when decorated in a few days. If you need an urgent visa per day, then get ready to lay out 9000 rubles.


When leaving, children must also meet all the criteria. If minors travel without parents, then prepare a birth certificate. Also need consent from both parents, which allows the child to leave. At the same time, fumble of translation into English, which is notarized. When a minor leaves with one of the parents, if there are different surnames, also stock birth certificate. You also ask for confirming the relationship documents, again with a certified translation. However, there is also good news - there is no need to reject the consent of the second parent. The citizens who were not fulfilled 21 may request a birth certificate, besides, it is better to have and consent to leaving their parents.

To get a visa to the UAE, you will need 7-10 days. In the case of an urgent procedure - 1-4 days. Saturday and Friday are not taken into account. There are many all kinds of holidays in the country to which the secular and holidays of a religious nature. Therefore, it is better to get comfortable about the visa of about a week 2 to the trip. The reasons for the failure or delay will be: an open visa to another company, frequent visit to the Emirates, finding the applicant to Overstay or Blacklist.

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