How to get a Schengen visa

How to get a Schengen visa

To date, there is an opinion that it is almost impossible to get a Schengen visa. The only way out for yourself travelers see appeal to intermediaries - travel agencies. In fact, everything is not so scary, getting the cherished permission to departure and on their own. For this you need to take a few simple steps.

The above visa is currently necessary for entering 24 countries - participants of the Schengen Agreement. It is quite convenient that having received a visa to any of these countries, you automatically have the right to free move throughout the Schengen zone. So, if you are waiting for a cruise for a number of countries, apply for a Schengen visa to the embassy of the country through which the entry will be taken.

When visiting the embassy, \u200b\u200byou will need the following documents: a passport (which expires no earlier than 3 months after returning from travel), photo sizes of 37 mm for 47 mm (required gray background), questionnaire, completed and signed by you, justifying the trip ( If the target is tourist, then the testimony can be a hotel reservation), a birth certificate for a minor, insurance policy, confirmation of solvency. For a list of documents, it is better to handle the emergency to the embassy, \u200b\u200bsince it may sometimes be necessary for additional data.


The following is the day of the interview, and at the appointed time you come to a meeting with the representative of the embassy. If you agreed on the list of documents in advance, there is no need to worry. The advantage will be if you already have in the current or old passport marks about visiting other countries.

The deadline for the decoration of the Schengen visa ranges from five days to several months, so it is better to apply in advance to apply. Urgent design is three days.

If you have one Schengen visa, the second cannot be opened. The maximum stay in the country for such a visa is 90 days for half a year.

In the case of a positive decision, an employee of the consulate will give you a receipt for the payment for the consular fee. Data on your application can be tracked via the Internet on the website of the visa center. If you adhere to the rules of the embassy and behave most politely, the chances of receiving a Schengen visa are very high. Good luck!

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