How to get a Schengen visa to Spain

How to get a Schengen visa to Spain

Spain - a country of hot sun, incendiary dances and infectious optimism! To visit this colorful, full cultural monuments and picturesque corners a place dream of many. If you have chosen this country as a tourist route, you will need to first get a Schengen visa to Spain.

There is only a few simple rules, performing which you can easily get permission to leave to Spain without the help of travel agencies. To begin with, carefully read the list of documents that you will need to provide to the embassy. It includes a questionnaire for a visa, the original and copies of all pages of the passport (passport must be valid at least 6 months), color photos 3.5 by 4.5 cm, medical insurance, which is valid on the territory of the Schengen zone (coated at least thirty thousand euros), a copy of hotel armor, copy of tickets, proof of financial consistency, copies and original of the usual passport, as well as an old passport, if it is.

The visa can be issued at an invitation, in this case, the list of documents must be attached to an invitation letter and sponsorship. For children, including newborns, you need to make individual visas.

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More information about the necessary documents for issuing a Schengen visa to Spain, design timing and prices can be found on the official website of the visa center. Application can be filed in online mode.

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The visa consular fee is 35 euros, another 20 euros will have to pay for the processing of documentation by the Center specialists. The grade of the visa is from three working days, depending on the city of filing. The price of a visa with an urgent design will grow to 70 euros.

If you have received a refusal of a visa, do not rush to despair - you have the right to appeal. Tourist visas are assigned several bounce codes: C1 is a complete refusal, C2 suggests that you should come to an interview to the consulate, C3 - an incomplete package of documents. There are others, perhaps in your case everything is decided easily and quickly.

Spanish consular institutions are very loyal, so do not worry about receiving a visa. If all the formalities are fully met, you can say with confidence that you will receive a visa. Good luck to you!

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