If you decide to show the world a world, and more precisely, its part that is part of the Schengen zone, you can not do without the design of visa documents. This is due to the close attention of countries belonging to this zone, to entry into their territory of children. Therefore, your chad is required to be needed by a Schengen visa. The main points of its design are lit for you.
If you travel the whole family (that is, the child and both parents), in such a situation, agree to the child's departure you will not need. It will be enough just to provide a copy of the testimony of his birth. However, in the case of a trip to France, you will need decorated according to all the rules, that is, with the participation of a notary, cross power of attorney (power of attorney to each other).Blank form for an application for a children's Schengen visa can be downloaded here - Form profile.
If there will be only one of the parents with the son or daughter to leave the abroad, without consent to the departure of the child from another can not do. At the same time, to an agreement, it will be necessary to put a copy of the passport of the parent, who gives this consent (enough first page and pages with registration). And one more nuance for such an option of the child's export to Schungn - consent to his departure can have time. For example, you may request this document before applying for a visa itself, in 30 days.Sample filled questionnaire on Shengen's visa for a child can be seen here - Sample questionnaire.
If the child leaves to Europe without parents, you will need to notarize your consent to the departure of the son or daughter, indicating the accompanying person and its data. To this consent, you will need to add copies of your internal passports (first pages).In terms of payment, consider that for the kid by age up to 6 years old, the consular visa fee is not necessary to pay, with the exception of urgent visa design.