How to get Schengen for a year

How to get Schengen for a year

If you want to get a Schengen visa, contact the Travel Agency or submit documents to the Consulate yourself. The last option will cost much cheaper, but will take longer.

First prepare the necessary documents. You will need two color photos 37x47 on a gray background, an insurance policy for going abroad, old (if any) and a new passport, questionnaire and information about the conditions and goals of the trip. Photos must be made in the position of the face, clothing in the photo can be of any color except white. A new passport must act within 90 days after the expiration date of the visa.

If you have not turned 18 years old, attach a copy of the birth certificate to the questionnaire. Also, the consulate may require a copy of the birth of children, about marriage, passport and a certificate from the place of work. If you do not work, you can provide a certificate from the place of study and a letter of a person who will pay your trip. In this case, it is necessary to provide a certificate from its place of work.

One of the mandatory conditions for obtaining a long-term Schengen visa is a private or business invitation. You will be asked to provide photos with that man who invited you. And even in this case, you can make a visa only for three months. After its deadline, you can extend a visa for half a year, then for a year, etc.

If you are not able to receive an invitation, there is a good reason for the trip - you should often go to Europe over the past few years and have a good financial condition. The average amount per day is thirty-euro. Go to the site of the selected embassy and specify which documents should be prepared. You can also download the necessary forms.

When filling out the questionnaire, the system will give you tips. When everything is ready, print it. If you fill out a questionnaire manually, the handwriting must be understandable and legible. One of the color photos are made in a specially designated place. Note that the filling date must correspond to the date of submission of documents. The signature on the questionnaire must coincide with the signature in your passport.

Subscribe to travel abroad. You can do it in one of the insurance agencies with a license. Your insurance should cover the validity of the requested visa. The limit of the sum insured is at least 30,000 euros. Sign up for an interview to the country's embassy, \u200b\u200bthrough which you plan to enter the Schengen Agreement zone. This can be done on the site or by phone. At the specified period, visit the embassy, \u200b\u200bgive the prepared documents and go through the interview.

After that, for two days, pay the cost of the visa. The consulate worker will check your documents, and if everything is correct, gives you a receipt for the payment of the consular fee. After payment you will receive a passport with a visa. The application for Schengen is seen for ten or twelve working days.

If you have children, each of them fill out the questionnaire and get a separate visa. It will be inserted into a passport of one of the parents (who has a child entered into a passport). You can quickly issue multivitz by contacting the agency. After submitting the necessary documents, the specialists will give you a visa for three or nine days.

If you are traveling abroad for the first time, to apply for a visa, it is preferable to contact a tourist firm. The state will be much more willing to give you a visa if you have already visited it and have proven themselves well.

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