How to order a passport through civil servants

How to order a passport through civil servants

The Internet finally got to state institutions. Now order a passport through the portal state A huge plus is the lack of a queue. How to do it right - read in this material.

If you still do not have an account on the state service portal, register there. You will need your SNILS specified in the pension certificate. After registration, you will need to receive an activation code. This can be done by mail, through the nearest separation of Rostelecom or use an electronic signature. When the activation is passed, you will receive an SMS notification and a letter to an email address.

To fill out the questionnaire, prepare your passports: Acting Russian and old abroad. You will need to indicate your location over the past ten years, as well as jobs and studies with addresses. To not get confused, take a copy of the workbook and write down the address on the sheet or in a separate file.

Getting Started Questionnaire:

  • go to the Federal Migration Service section;
  • select a passport table, indicating the region and city location;
  • enter information about yourself: surname and passport data;
  • specify the type of appeal: at the place of registration or accommodation;
  • answer questions about criminal records, secrecy and legal limitations;
  • make information about work and studies. If you did not work for a while, then specify the place of residence and the period.

Load your photo. The file can be both color and black and white. The main condition is the lack of a headdress and the position of the head in the FAS. The size should be from 200 to 500 kb. Do not worry if you have badly turned out in the photo - it is needed for identification and will not go into the passport.

Check out the application and save it. By clicking the "Apply" button, you run the procedure for ordering a passport. An email will receive notifications about changing the status of your application. After checking, it will change to "accepted". Then you can call the passport desk and sign up for document and photographing. This must be done within two weeks, otherwise your application is canceled.

Going to the passport desk, take a passport with me, a certified copy of the workbook and the receipt of the payment of state duty. Men will also need a military ticket and certificate from the military registration and enlistment office about the lack of restrictions on departure. If you learn, then take a certificate from an educational institution. After receiving the documents, the status of the application in the Personal Account will change to "Design".

The maximum data processing time is 20 days. After that, you will receive a notice that the passport is ready. Requeed again with a passport staff and assign time to get. The convenience of this method is to obtain a passport in a strictly appointed time.

On average, receiving a passport through civil service takes about a month. You do not have to sit in a long queue and rewrite the statement if you are mistaken: all fixes are entered into an electronic form.





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