How to cross the border

How to cross the border

When moving from one state to another, each of us is faced with the question of crossing the border. In most cases, the main nuance is the presence of all necessary documents. Their quantity and view depends on whether a visa needs for entry into a particular country. The intersection of the border is accompanied by a passport passport and visa pass (if necessary) control.

Customs control is a state policy in the field of conformity of actions by customs legislation. The person crossing the border is obliged to undergo customs control. It consists in checking baggage and documents on it. That is, the customs authorities inspect the goods and transport for disorders. Passport control is carried out by a special organ - border service. It deals directly by checking the documentation necessary to cross the border.

Visa control is needed when there is a visa regime between the countries. Visa is a special document that makes it possible to stay in another state. For example, to enter the countries of the European Union, the United States, Canada should be discussed. For its design, you need to contact the consulate of the country in which you want to go.

Accordingly, in order to cross the border, you need to have a definite list of documents. Their quantity depends on the mode that is to go. But the main and mandatory only one is a passport. This is a special document that identifies a person during the passage of all types of control when crossing the border. You can get it in the migration service of each district, submitting a special statement.

Application for the issuance of passport on our website.

Visa - the following document. It is drawn up upon departure to the visa regime countries to a specific lines.

An example of filling out an application for a passport issue - a copy

Documents on a minor child. There are several nuances that you should remember. First of all, his passport must be issued for each child, or it should be entered into a passport of that parent, with which crosses the border. Secondly, for the right to export a child, it is necessary to obtain a notarized resolution of the spouse (spouses). If a child crosses the border without parents, then such an action should have a notarial resolution of both spouses. If the parent who takes the child and the child himself has different surnames, then a document will be required to prove their relationship (for example, a birth certificate, where the face is recorded by mother or father). If one of the parents against the departure and does not give a notarial permission, it will be impossible to remove the child. Saying his ban on the removal of the child to the migration or customs service, the parent prevents the border of the border with a minor child. You can challenge such a step only in court.

To cross the border of some countries, it is necessary to have a written translation of all documents. The presence of such a rule should be recognized in the consulate. At the entrance to countries with an unstable political or national situation, life and health is needed. Her absence can cause refusal to enter.

The issue of the possibility of departure in one or another country becomes relevant to the vacation seasons. The cause of refusal to travel can be debt in the bank, unpaid taxes, alimony. Therefore, so that on the border for you a surprise has not been banned for departure, find out about the possibility of crossing the border.

The federal attachment service leads a special list of debtors who are prohibited from traveling abroad. To get acquainted with it, it should be contacted with the department of this service in your district. Contact the Regional Department with the original passport. The attractive will be obliged to give you the official response to the request for the possibility of departure.

Accordingly, if you have a desire to cross the border without problems, then make sure that all documents are presented, since at least the absence of one of them can cause a refusal to implement such actions. Check out all your debts that you may interfere with border control, if necessary, pay them on time. For the export of a minor child, solve all the questions and documentaries with the second parent. Prepared documents will help you make the procedure for the transition of fast and trouble-free.

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