Visa in Thailand for Russians 2016

Visa in Thailand for Russians 2016

Recreation v Thailand very popular among tourists sO all corners mira. Russian guests vent here radies and excellent conditions for accommodation. Best period for recreationthis is autumn and winter, v then time how on the rest resorts v this period observed calm. But, front thread, how visit Kingdom, necessary explore visa question. it necessary do for togo, to travel v other country not led to problems with visove laws. Visa not need thread, who not will be v Thailand more one month. At intersection borders on sude  tourist put v passport mark, that allows abide on territory Asian country on length several  weeks. Also there is possibility extend this term for a month. For of this necessary go v special service., which is engaged  questions immigrants. For extension visas need 1900 thb.. If same travel planned on more continuous term, then would need other visa.

1) Intelligence for passing control on border in Thailand

After administration new rules, which indicate on land passage borders, foreigners can visit father one once. it excluded possibility abide v this country without official visas. Previously russians could prolong unlessless permission with help passing borders neighborhood states. But v 2016 year banned cross border many once, if no special visas.

Finding v country without visas assumes:

  • Front passing control would need filled map migranda. Often these the documents fill v plane. Map includes two parts: arrival and check out.
  • Employee airport it has right demand outpap from banking bills, according to whom w. traveler must to be 700$ cash on man. This document can in advance take w. banking organizations and assured translation extracts on english language. V case his absence, an officer on border maybe demand take off this sum with cards for togo, to confirm solvency.
  • Yet border guards on thai and russian border maybe interest bought back ticket on period month. By this cause necessary acquire or book ticket on the way back.

2) Illegal residence v Thailand

At violation tourist time laying v country, occurs informing  v office:

  • period stay alien smaller 3 months, then he should pay on 500 thailand batov per everyone day;
  • more  3 months, then visit country forbidden nearest year;
  • v case stay alien on territory more of the year, forbidden  entry on immediate 3 of the year;
  • if foreigner above v country more three years, then visit country forbidden immediate five years;
  • if term more 5 years, then ban on entry on term 10 years;
  • if more 10 years, then  forbidden entry on length all life.

3) Options official visas in Thailand

If tourist above v Thailand smaller 90 days, then need single visa. She valid 2 month, her maybe extend on term v one month. Single visa can issue v embassy country how v Moscow, so and v countries, which border with Thailand (for example, Laos, Malaysia).

Also exists twofold visa. Here all similar to with single, per except such. moment. After togo, how end first monthly extension, necessary leave limits asian country and again return. Thanks to it  occurs activation second parts  twofold visas. This way ideal for situation, when necessary pere skimmer winter v Thailand.

Student permission on entry. It act on length calendar of the year. It ideally for those, who wishes learn local language. Students constantly control. So, everyone three month student  should  prolong visa for stay v department immigration.

For russians issued working and business visa v Thailand. She provided employees, which work with tasky companies, or thread, who wants create here business.

Visa for pensioners possible v case achievements age 50 years and availability bills v bank on sum 800 000 thb.. it permission issued on term one calendar year with frequency extension everyone 90 days.

Problems with visa can to be v case receipt man v year more, how 2 twofold visa or 3 single. Also refuse v visa can fromper unpaid tickets on departure from ThailandBut samoa chast cause denial is an  error employees on border, which confused period end time stamp v case laying v country on lightweight scheme. By this cause necessary to be very attentive on pass and check data, set v stampe.

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