Calls abroad are not cheap and yet, what should I do if you need to call your friends or relatives to Thailand? I would not like to vote big money. Yes, and do not everyone know the codes of countries and cities, and without that, it is impossible to reach someone else's state. Let the travelers find information on these issues.
Know that the conversations over the cellular with the Russian map in Thailand will cost a round sum, you need to call acquaintances, as usual: +7 and phone number, advise them to immediately purchase Thai SIM cards, and that calls come from them, and not from you, so It will be much more economical. The outgoing will cost only 1 ruble / 1 minute, you only need to dial 004 or 009 before calling Russia. When you learn a new number of relatives or friends in Thailand, which looks like this: (038) 5615383 (where 38 is the city code), it will not be able to call them any problems. You will need to gain from the mobile instead of the first "0" - "+66", and the number will look like this: +66385615383.Download on our portal Codes cities Thailand.
Even before traveling abroad to rest, it is beneficial to take care of relationships with relatives in advance, buying card for international calls. Calls for such a card cheaper than communication in roaming In your basic tariff in Russia.Here you will learn the cost of calls and SMS in Roaming:
- Simpressed - the whole world,
- Simpressed - the whole world plus (the cost of conversations and SMS),
- Stended - the tariff for the smartphone (the cost of calls).
Do not forget to call your loved ones and friends, even being on vacation, do it more often. Then the relatives will be calm that everything is in perfect order, and how it is more profitable to do it, you now know.