What to take into the plane

What to take into the plane

The journey by plane is always connected with the solution of many practical tasks. Let's say, passengers are interested in to take with them to the salon, and what things to send to the luggage compartment. Sharing things on manual sting and luggage recommended at home, better than a couple of days before the trip. Our instruction will facilitate your pre-flight training.

Documents, money, jewelry. Be sure to take a passport, driver's license, flights. If you fly to relax, do not forget the tourist vouchers and insurance. In the absence of these documents at the airport, problems may arise. To the category of things that are recommended to keep with you, applies directly cash, plastic cards, traveler checks, jewels, not too expensive decorations, but priceless as memory personally for you, wrist watch. Finish this list of keys from their housing and car.

Electronic gadgets. Various phones, smartphones, cameras, laptops, netbooks, tablets, video cameras e-books, players better take with them into the salon, so they will probably keep in integrity, unlike transportation in the luggage department. After all, loaders at airports with bags are not very careful. And during the flight you will be what to take yourself and distract if such a journey causes you fear or anxiety.

In addition, you have to decide what clothes go to the flight. Remember that in the cabin about +22 degrees, but it can be a little less, because air conditioners work. Therefore, if you travel in the summer, you will not hurt a long sleeve jacket. If you fly to a hot country, and at the airport of departure is cold, it is recommended to dress compactly. Do not take a bunch or a fur coat, they occupy a lot of space in the cabin, and they are not recommended for their luggage. This is especially true if you fly in economy class, since in chairs such bulky things will only interfere. Ideally take a light winter jacket, which will fit in the package if it is collapsed. Commier and about light replacement clothes, if you fly in the summer.

Do not forget to choose the right shoes. It is not necessary to shove too close or on heels, as it will provoke an increased load on the vessels located on the lower limbs, the risk of veins thrombosis. Winter boots better remove for the flight, they will be hot. The optimal option is warm socks.

If you have a short flight - 2-3 hours, then you can not worry about food. However, with a long journey, this question is better to solve in advance. First, meals on board may not be included in the fare, and the offered for money will fall into the round sum. Secondly, it simply not to taste. Thirdly, if you fly with a change or refueling, and you have to spend some time at the airport, the question of nutrition becomes relevant again, as prices bite. It is allowed to take any food to the salon, and not only purchased at Duty Free. Restrictions relate only to beverages. You can build sandwiches, take a salad in a container, cheese, nuts, dried fruits, cookies. But in any case, food should not crumble, have an unpleasant smell and be perishable. This was a fruit, then not juicy. Products are packaged either in the container or in a transparent package. Most airlines allow you to take baby food.

Many travelers adore shopping in Duty Free. But reinforce your purchases carefully. After all, if the transplant is expected on the way, then such goods cannot be opened. They must have a factory packaging. The governments of some countries, for example, the EU states, have introduced a ban on the transport of liquids that were bought in the Duty Free located outside the Union. Alcohol is allowed to join the hand baggage, if it is purchased at the airport and packed in a special container, in an amount of up to 5 liters of drinks with a fortress of 24-70% per passenger.

In addition, the journey should necessarily take medicines, namely pills from nausea, from pain, soothing. They must be packaged in plastic containers. When passing control, they are recommended to show. If the passenger may require prohibited drugs, such as insulin syringes, it is necessary to enlist the written confirmation from the attending physician, in which it should be indicated that without them is the threat of human health. When using contact lenses, take eye drops into the salon, as on board dry air - as a result, the mucous membraid will dry, causing unpleasant painful sensations.


Remember that you can carry liquids that meet certain requirements. Namely: less than 100 ml; packed in a hermetic plastic bag, which has a total volume to one liter; One package on the passenger. Fluids necessarily place on the counterpart.

Thus, it should be extremely attentive in the selection of things into manual sting.

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