What to take with you to Turkey

What to take with you to Turkey

If you are going to rest in Turkey and have already folded your suitcase, then before filling it with all sorts of things, read our article. In it we will tell you what exactly you need to take with you into this country.

The documents

To travel to Turkey, prepare such documents:

  • Acting passport. Please note that its validity period cannot be less than 3 months after the end of your trip.
  • Medical insurance that you purchased from the tour operator with a tour.
  • The voucher in which the tour is described (transfer, the name of the resort and the hotel, the number of days and nights, the power and placement system).
  • Tickets for the plane (there and back).


Take them to Turkey, even if your tour on this or that resort is called "All Inclusive" (All Inclusive). Surely you want to buy gifts to relatives and loved ones, so they will not hurt you. It is better that these are dollars, while small bills. What amount to take is depends on what you want to buy. 50 cu You only have enough souvenirs and sweets. 100 - You can already think about coffee, fine textile and small ornaments. But if you are going to buy leather things, fur products and carpets, go on excursions - then take the money much more.

Notebook with useful contacts

Be sure to write down the phone numbers of the consulate of your country in Turkey and the tour operator, whom they bought a ticket. We hope that during your holiday you will not have a reason to contact them, but just in case have their phones at hand.

Aid kit

In a new place with a new climate, the body can give a crash, and then you will need medicines. Do not put them in a suitcase for all occasions, but a couple of three does not hurt. Take pills from headaches, from allergies, stomach disorders and colds. This set is enough to quickly help yourself or your friends. If you eat to Turkey with children, put a bactericidal adhesive in the first aid kit. The kids during active games often break the knees or elbows - here is the leukoplasty and come in handy.

Hygiene and protection

If you do not trust shampoos and gels that are available in hotels, then take your usual cosmetics. The only thing, take them in small packages so as not to carry extra cargo. In addition to cream, gel, toothpaste, do not forget the protective agent for sunburn and moisturizing milk.

Clothes and shoes

Do not put in a suitcase or bag too many things. Take two couples of swimsuits, two or three shifts of linen, two shorts, three T-shirts, some cotton trousers, a tunic with long sleeves and a knitted cardigan in case of a cool evening. From the shoes, put beach shale, comfortable sandals on low move and light leather moccasins. These things and shoes are enough for you to feel comfortable on vacation. Shorts will be useful to you to go to the beach, in the gym or ride in the city. T-shirts or tunic are combined with the same shorts or pants. Pick clothes and shoes so that they supplemented each other. Do not forget to panama from the sun and sunglasses.


Collecting on vacation, purchase a bag or suitcase on wheels. Do not buy too much - it is quite suitable for medium size. Keep in mind that on board the aircraft you have the right to take only 20 kg of baggage. Given the souvenirs and sweets that you will surely buy in Turkey, you quite have enough medium bag. You still need a light roomy bag of their fabric for hiking to the beach or departure to the city. You can take it with you or buy in Turkey. The second option is good in that at the same time you will acquire and excellent thing with a local flavor. Such a bag will then come in handy and at home - for example, when leaving in nature.

Camera or film camera

These items in the comments do not need. Just do not take too expensive, unless you are going to make a photo report about your vacation and place it on the pages of the glossy magazine. The most interesting moments of your journey can be imprinted on a budget chamber.

And the last advice. Do not take a laptop or tablet on vacation. Relax from the abundance of information and everyday political news. Believe me, 7-10 days without constant or temporary seating on the Internet will make your holiday in Turkey much brighter and better.

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