What kind of sea in Turkey

What kind of sea in Turkey

The location of Turkey is very unique. A relatively small state is simultaneously in two parts of light - Europe and Asia. Want to know what kind of sea in Turkey? The fact is that the seas in the country four, and it is washed with them from three sides. Due to this, in any area your special microclimate, nature and color. Such an amazing combination of natural beauty and many attractions left by two cultures, Byzantium and the Ottoman Empire is greatly interest for tourists.

Geographical position

Part of the territory of the Republic of Turkey is located in South-West Asia, and only a small part (3%) - in Europe (terrain with the name Eastern Frace). In the east, granite with Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia and Armenia, and from the Southeast side - with Iraq and Syria. European territories come into contact in the north with Bulgaria, and in the West - with Greece. Looking at the Geographical Map of Turkey, it is impossible not to notice the abundance of mountains and flatbed. Thanks to this feature, summer heat softens coolness from the mountains, and it is moved easier. The climate has a mining and continental feature, with a tropical bias. The country is washes in the north of the Black Sea, in the West - Aegean, in the south - Mediterranean. The Marmara Sea is the inner sea of \u200b\u200bTurkey. We will get acquainted with the seas closer.

Aegean Sea

The Aegean Sea is famous for pure transparent water and extraordinary beauty of the landscape. The emerald smooth water is adjacent to the Tauridious Mountains, creating picturesque pictures. The "White Sea", as it is also called, has many islets (about 2000). Aegean - half-closed sea, is an antiquity cradle. Now he is washes Greece and Turkey. In the summer there is a steady weather + 30 ° C on the street, and the water is consistently held about + 26 ° C.
On the coast, there are worldwide popular resorts: Marmaris, Bodrum, Kusadasi, and others. The summer season begins slightly later than on the Mediterranean. After all, water warms a little longer. But this does not affect the demand of the resorts of the Aegean Sea among tourists and veneers of yacht sports.

Black Sea

The Black Sea is included in the pool of the Atlantic Ocean. Strait Bosphorus gives access to the marble sea, and then through the Strait of Dardanella, you can go to the Aegean and Mediterranean. By the Black Sea, the conditioned water line is running, separating the European part of the mainland from Asian. The Turkish part of the coastline has 1598 km. The climatic conditions here are somewhat worse than the other seas of Turkey. But it is connected with the temperature regime, which in the summer time the resting beautiful weather and warm water, but in winter the water is very cold. Black Sea resorts are in demand mostly among the inhabitants of Turkey itself. Among the most visited can be allocated - Trabzon, Car, Horde. Once the Turks called the Black Sea coast of "non-smart", but it was not connected with weather conditions. In the past, in these shores there were recurrent militant inhabitants who have conducted a cruel war for their territory.

Sea Marmara

The Marmara Sea is internal and is located between the Majual Indian and European Territory. In it, the water of the Black Sea from the Bosphorus Strait, and the Dardanelly Strait it is connected to the Mediterranean. It received its name because of the island of Marmar, where white marble was mined. Any tourist, which turned out to be in these places, can visit the excursion on this island and see the entire process of sorty.
On the shores of the Marmara Sea is Istanbul - a major trading center and the historic center of the country. The length of the coast has approximately 1000 km. These are mainly the rocky coast with narrow beaches, which are not very popular with tourists who prefer a relaxing beach on the beach. But for lovers of extreme and travel on the shores of this sea, you can find a lot of interesting things. Fans of sandy beaches will be quite suitable for rest in Tekirdag, Yalova or on the island of Turkele.

Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is located in the south of the country, and it means that there is an extraordinary warm climate. The main flow of tourists is guided by this. And it is natural, because in addition to warm water, in the Mediterranean, the rich fauna is, and on its coast are the most comfortable hotels. In the east of the Mediterranean Sea is Asia, in the north - Europe, in the south - Africa. It is connected by the Gibraltar Strait with the Atlantic Ocean, the Suez Canal - with the Red Sea. Water in it is more salted than in black.
Along the coast for thousands of kilometers, sandy beaches stretched, alternating with melting and citrus sites. The spa season in these places lasts 300 days a year. Here are located the most famous resorts in the world - Kemer, Antalya, Side, Belek and Aksu. This area is the "pearl of the Mediterranean", and sometimes it is called Turkish Riviera.

Having learned what the sea washed by Turkey, there is a desire to visit this amazing country and get acquainted with her extraordinary natural flavor. If you decide which the sea of \u200b\u200bTurkey go, then for a start, choose a view of the rest, at the same time, consider our recommendations, and on the path for new impressions!

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