What to take with you to Egypt

What to take with you to Egypt

It is nearby time of vacation, and you already broke your head over what is worth a packaging in suitcases? Are you afraid that exceed the allowable weight for baggage at the airport or the opposite - something forget? No need to rely on Russian "Avos." After analyzing the tips and reviews of the experienced travelers, we have prepared a list of what is really necessary to take with you to Egypt.


Plans for the upcoming weekend are always the most ambitious and enchanting. Diseases and light ailments are definitely not included in them, but if suddenly, this happens to you, it is better that all the rapid response drugs are with them.

The most necessary of them:

  • analgin;
  • but-shp;
  • aspirin;
  • activated carbon;
  • bactericidal plaster, bandage;
  • antiallergic means.

Tanning facilities and insects

Get better home tools "to" and "after" tanning, which you always use. Upon arrival, buy them is not recommended, since you are not familiar with the local market of such products, and the sample of a new variety of cosmetics can cause a unwanted allergic reaction. Rest will be spoiled. At the same time, capture a remedy for insects. It can be cream, sprayers, fumigators, etc. Pay attention to the means of a universal nature (and not just "from mosquitoes"), because you still do not know with what monsters you have to fight.


You are traveling to the resort, and therefore do not overload the bags with swees, jeans and other nonsense. We assure, on arrival in Egypt you will want to remove everything without delay, and therefore will rationally take with you only:

  • t-shirts and tops (5-6 pieces);
  • vietnamese;
  • headdress (hats, baseball caps, etc.);
  • swimsuit;
  • sunglasses;
  • backpack (for excursions an indispensable thing);
  • the scarf (preferably large so that it can serve as a skirt at the entrance to religious structures, and a headwear on a guided tours in the desert);
  • unabilling clothes made of natural fabric (in the synthetic you will be extremely unpleasant in 40-degree heat).

Money, Money, Money ...

Based on your own capabilities and queries, what amount is the most reasonable to take everything. Egypt is a resort, where "all inclusive", and therefore, which you may need, it is:

  • money for visa registration (25 dollars);
  • a trifle for tip and souvenirs (bills with par 1, 2, 5, 10 dollars).

Also remember to make money on excursions and shopping, if that interests you.

The documents

The most important thing is possible and forget. But it is precisely the documents to pack first. Place them better in the manual sting - in the department, from where they can be used without delay.

To make a trip to Egypt and back, you will need:

  • international passport;
  • flights;
  • vouchers;
  • insurance policy;
  • a long-term visa (is issued in Moscow if your stay is planned longer than 1 month).

This minimum set is made up for the average standard of the standard situation. Correct it with your features. For example, if you have chronic diseases, then take a pill with you that you take every day. Or if, let's say you fly to Egypt to the corporate party, consider the dress code that is installed for your event.

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