What is the weather in Egypt

What is the weather in Egypt

Ancient country of sand dunes, pharaohs and pyramids. What to expect from recreationin the country of the Great RA, except for one of the wonders of the world, an amazing underwater world and comfortable hotels? So that there are no surprises of arriving in the country, the weather conditions of a particular region should be known.

Climate Egypt

Due to the fact that almost the whole country is located in one climatic belt, in addition to unless some of the northern regions, weather conditions are almost the same throughout. Nevertheless, there are some differences that should be considered when choosing a resort and holiday time.
Most of the territory stretched in the tropics, and only the northern part belongs to the subtropical zone, from here and the climate prevails a tropical desert.


Warm weather here is maintained all year round, but there is a conditional separation on the summer (hot) and winter (cold) seasons, which will last from April to October and from November to March, respectively. For the climate of the country, significant temperature fluctuations are characterized by day and night, on the coasts they are less noticeable, in the depths of the country are more pronounced. However, these differences towards the joy of tourists almost do not affect the temperature of the water in the sea, which remains almost the same all year round.
The average temperature in November - March is + 20-25 degrees, at night can go down to + 10-15, in the hot season from April to October - + 25-35 degrees, in the summer months rises to + 40-45.
It rains is not a frequent phenomenon for most of the territory, except in the valleys of the Nile and on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea sometimes falls out of precipitation.

Spring weather

In the spring months from the south-west side, the country is often visited by hot winds, which bring a sharp increase in temperature by 10-15 degrees and sandy storms.
March for local standards is not hot, with warm weather day and cool night.
In April, temperature fluctuations are still present, but by the end of the month are significantly reduced. The weather is set stable, the sun is not very baked, rather delicately hesitates.
May gives warm, sometimes even hot weather. Finally, the trimmed driver and the soft sun also allow you to enjoy the weather in front of a sultry summer.
The air temperature ranges from +20 to +30 degrees depending on the region and month, water warms up from +25 and higher.


Weather in Egypt

Summer months are the hottest for the whole year. The air at this time is dry and sultry, it warms up to + 30-40 degrees, sometimes up to +45, the sea - up to +29. At night, the heat is slightly falling, but not significantly, to + 25-27 degrees.
However, due to dry climate, the heat is moved much easier than with high humidity.

Weather in autumn

Autumn months are rightly called the velvet season.
September is still hot, but the tendency to decrease the temperature is already noticeable.
In October, the weather becomes significantly softer and more comfortable for recreation. The sun is no longer so scorching and heats the air to + 29-33 degrees, the sea is all the same warm - +25 degrees.
November although it is considered the beginning of the "cold" season, but hardly +27 degrees can be called cold. The sunshine will still give its warming rays, and the sea pleases warm water.
Autumn is the most comfortable time for a relaxed beach holiday and visiting numerous excursions without danger to get a heat shot.

Weather in winter in Egypt

Winter in the understanding of the local is cold, and indeed, where it is suitable when the temperature drops to + 22-25. Nights cool, total + 10-17 degrees, and even frosts in the deserts. The sea remains as warm, rarely when the temperature indicators fall below +22. At this time, humidity in coastal areas are slightly rising, there are small winds, which will not affect the quality of your holiday.

When choosing resort And the rest time should be taken into account that the temperature indicators in different regions of the country may differ to 5 degrees. It is also worth remembering the sunscreen, headdress and drink as much water as possible.

Egypt - the country of the Eternal Sun and one of the most famous places of recreation. Here harmoniously combines the quality of recreation and affordable pricing policies, a variety of places of rich historical heritage and modern entertainment For every taste, exciting diving and a relaxing beach holiday.

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