Where to go to May on the sea?

Where to go to May on the sea?

The month of May many Russians happy long days. This is a great time for a small holiday on the sea. And if you managed to get vacation for a week-two, it's just great: you have time to solve all your homework, and even well rest.
After the cold and snowy winter, I always want to soak on the sea coast under the warm rays of the sun. May is the time of year, when in the Caribbean countries, the rainy season has not yet gained a scope. And the islands of the Indian Ocean generally receive guests all year round. Options where to go on holiday to "May" a lot.

Loved by many Egypt for a trip to May on the sea

Beach rest will be comfortable only if this will assume good weather. Egypt will be an excellent option for relaxing in May. During this period, there is practically no rain here. At the end of spring, many choose Sharm el-Sheikh to relax, where it is already warm, and a small wind does not interfere with pleasant pastime (unlike the west coast of the country). Water warms up to 26 degrees of heat, and the air temperature can even be 30. So Egypt is warm water, good weather conditions, reasonable prices and a fairly rich underwater world. But it is worth remembering before going to the trip: the country is characterized by a somewhat unstable political situation, and the influx of tourists in the late spring can reach unthinkable borders.

Go to May to Turkey with truly funny prices for rest

Turkey, of course, is a bit colder, compared with Egypt in May. Here the air temperature does not exceed 26 degrees, and the water temperature is 22 degrees. Of course, for Europeans it is cold, but for Russian tourists this is a permissible temperature for swimming in the sea. Although, with children in such a sea, they definitely do not appear. Prices for good hotel rooms are quite acceptable, and tourist trips are pleased with their cheapness. So even with a small budget here you can relax well. The sea is not compared with the Mediterranean, which is washes the shores of Egypt. Here the sea is not very clean, and the underwater world is far from the motley and diverse animal world of the Mediterranean.

Go to Thailand in May

In Thailand, the weather is pleasant and the sea is warm. There is an excellent infrastructure for excellent rest. Tau Islands Beaches, Samu, Phangan and Nan-Yuan are always pleased with our tourists. Of course, in the western part of the country, it is better not to go, since there are endless storms and strong winds almost constantly. If we compare with the aforementioned countries, then rest in Thailand will be a bit more expensive, but also the benefits are more: much less tourists, above service, and nature is incredibly beautiful and exotic.

What about Greece in May?

In this country, in May, the tourist season begins in May. Therefore, people are not so much. This is especially felt during tourist trips, when the absence of a crowd of people makes it possible to clearly see the sights of the country. In May, Greece blooms and lures the magnificence of flavors and paints. The May coolness provides the opportunity to admire before the breathtaking of the country's fascinating beauty. The water temperature here reaches only 20 degrees, so few people can enjoy swimming in the sea.

Rest in warmth Israel in May

Israel attracts to 32 degrees with its warmth. The temperature of the Dead Sea reaches 26 degrees, which makes it possible to buy in moderation. In addition, this country has access to the Mediterranean Sea, coolest, so the choice is really great. Good service, favorable weather and many tourist places make this country a very popular destination for a decent rest in May.

Vietnam for exotic holidays in May

Here you can relax almost all year round. Weather and temperatures (from +27 to +32 degrees) perfectly allows. In Vietnam, full of exotic fruits, interesting entertainment and places for fun pastime. It is important and the fact that prices for all very low, and Vietnamese things are sold with a practically for nothing.

Options for May holiday really a lot. To the category of suitable vacation places in late spring, Mexico, UAE, Sri Lanka, Maldives and other countries can be attributed to Mexico. But rest here will be more costly and will fly into a penny. However, choose you! In any case, travel, know the world, share your emotions and impressions from what have seen.

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