Where to go in November abroad

Where to go in November abroad

November in Russia is undeservedly considered an unsuccessful vacation period. First, there is an opportunity to relax along with children, resting from school, second, airlines, travel agencies and hotels are placed in off-season low prices and good discounts. It should be decisled with the place of recreation and the method - active or passive.

Rest on the beach involves a trip away from native places. In Egypt in the velvet season, the traditional heat falls, replaced with warm days. Also offer excellent beaches and exciting excursions Morocco, Mauritius, Tunisia.


In Israel, the sea from +22 ° C to +24 0 ° C, the air temperature contributes to familiarization trips around the country. However, Israel should be attended at the beginning of the month, then the rainy period will begin.


Europe's beaches in November do not attract attention. Only on the Canary Islands, vacation members can relax with comfort - the islands are located near the deserts of Africa, so the sea is always warm.


For outdoor activities with excursions, it is better to choose neighboring countries. You can go to the Czech Republic without purchasing vouchers. Children will like the zoo in Prague, a large collection of puppets, a museum of wax figures.


In November, there is no rain and damp, travel to the south of Europe. In Spain, Italy, Greece on the return rates, visit the museums and enjoy the sights.


You can combine tours with the beach in the USA. After traveling, it is possible to soak on the Sea coast of California and Philadelphia.


Comfort late autumn resting in exotic countries. Travelers in India at this time combine excursions with wellness events, such as yoga or thalassotherapy. In November, there is still no influx of tourists to Goa's resorts, you can relax on the beaches of the Arabian Sea.


November - Winter's spectrum. Many ski resorts open their bases from this month. From the second half of November, recreation centers in Austria, Finland and Switzerland begin to work. Ski centers of Spain open a little later.

Ski resortjpg.

To please children in November, travel to European entertainment centers. Schoolchildren will like Disneyland in Paris. The boys will be delighted with the Mercedes Museum in Stuttgart, girls will be interested in Palaces and castles - Spanish Granada or Palace of Peng in Portuguese Sintra.

In November, in many European countries there are colorful holidays and festivals. Every year on November 11 in the cities of Germany Mainz, Düsseldorf, Cologne opens a carnival season. The holidays are interesting near the castle of Frankenstein, which is near Darmstadt. Here are parties in honor of Hellina with walking zombies, serial killers, etc.

Adults may be interested in the holiday of young wine, which is noted near Lyon. In the second half of November, the winemakers arrange a march with the subsequent heating of wine on the squares. Also, the holidays of "New Beaujolais" are held in Paris, Lyon, Dijon.

Wine holiday

Also interesting are the November trips to the UK. On the evening of November 5, the British begin to celebrate the night of Guy Fox. Four centuries ago This Englishman almost blew up his native parliament. On this night, people walk with torch launch fireworks, fireworks.

Night Guy Fox_Cr.

Popular country for November trips - Thailand. This month, Thais celebrate the holiday of Loi Kraong. Local residents make boats, put a candle on them and lowered the water at night. Many reservoirs are illuminating with flickering light. All night are walking folk guys.

In the countries Indochina November - the most convenient, but extremely short season for trips. In Bangladesh, you can watch ancient temple complexes, ancient buildings among violent tropical vegetation.


In the last days of November, the approach of Christmas is already felt - the Christmas trees are lit, pre-holiday sales begin. Such events take place in many European capitals - Paris, Helsinki.


Another category of vacationers chooses rehabilitation. At the end of the autumn there are many therapeutic trips to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania. The choice of directions is great, but everything solves the cost of the trip.

Karlovy Vary

The tempting offers for recreation abroad are a lot, but here is one advice - rest there, where I have long wanted to go. And perfectly spend time.

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