Pregnant women are forced to adjust their behavior style, and it affects when choosing a place and a way to rest. Going to rest, follow the main rule - the whole trip should be enjoying without tension.
Doctors contact not tourism, if the term of pregnancy is more than 30 weeks. The ideal option is the second trimester, when the body of the future mother is already bombarded to an unusual state.
Exemplary conditions for recreation - specialized sanatoriums for future mothers. It is desirable that the hospital is located near the house. The condition for the choice of therapeutic establishment is clean air and the non-commitable atmosphere. In such institutions you will be around the clock observation.

Mountain areas should eliminate the route. At height, the air is resolved, there are no oxygen into two organism. Pregnant women are sensitive to changing the time zone and climate, they get used to such changes for a long time. Do not risk, traveling to long distances "From the winter to summer".

Doctors recommend not to go on vacation at the height of summer holidays. Unbearable heat, hotels are crowded, loud music everywhere. Go to relax in the offseason - the air temperature is acceptable, people are smaller, prices are reduced. Decide in advance how you will get from the station to the hotel. Choose the hotel accommodation coming to the station, not more than 40 minutes by local transport.

A good option is considered a trip to Europe or Asia with a small flight time - no more than three to four hours. In exotic countries should not go, for visas requires special vaccinations, which are contraindicated with pregnant women. Crimea is preferable for pregnant women than the Caucasian coast is a dry climate. There are many calm quiet corners. The Mediterranean Sea is also the place of rest of the pregnant women from all over Europe. In Turkey, Cyprus, Greece can ride all year round. In winter, the temperature reaches + 25 °, the markets are full of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. In Israel, you can combine rest with therapeutic procedures - medicine is well developed in the country, many interesting vintage places for the excursion.

Women with weak health it is recommended to choose a proven resort area - Transcarpathia with mineral springs, Mariana Lazni in the Czech Republic, this is a famous female resort. Open hotels in 4-5 stars with a massage room specialized by Medpersonal. Before the trip, you should visit the doctor and consult about the upcoming journey.

For pregnant women are undesirable long bus tours and sightseeing trips. During such tours, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in a sitting position, and then walk for a long time. For movies, the branded train is best suited. In the plane, take the first row. This allows you to freely get up and move on the salon every half hour. But the plane in the late period of pregnancy may not let. Sea disease may appear on the ships.

In the offseason, not in all places you can swim in the sea. But the alternative is to fit water in the pools. Tanning should be until 11 and after 17 hours. Women's consultation is a maximum of a ride. Sea water with its mineral salts and other elements is favorably affected by the body, and swimming develops the necessary muscles and trains breathing. Do not overheat and hypother.

Vacation at the dacha also has its advantages. Saving funds, familiar atmosphere, fresh air, timely medical care. Relaxation during the care of flowers and trees. Remember that resting is better to ride not alone, but with a close person. The main thing is to have a good setting to spend this holiday as much as possible.