Where to go youth

Where to go youth

The needs of youth companies differ from the needs of married couples “burdened” by children, when a resort for a good rest is to be selected. In this article, we will consider the most popular foreign tournges suitable for our boys and girls.

Turkey is the beaches endlessly and the region, the affectionate sun, the proud peaks of the mountains, the rapid waterfalls and streams of rivers, the amazingly beautiful temples and mosques, the luxurious palaces of the sultans and, of course, the sea of \u200b\u200bemerald color with cozy bays.


Greece is the oldest state of the times of ancient civilization, great myths, legends and legends. For a cheerful pastime, modern Greece provides young people with a lot of resorts with bars and discos on the shores of the warm sea.

Montenegro is a magnificent country with amazing nature, the purest sea and beautiful beaches. Her national parks are a real European environmental reserve.


Italy - this romantic country will certainly remain in the memory of lovers. What could be better than the tenderness of her sand and the coolness of the sea breeze, unforgettable sunsets and walks along narrow stones paved with stones of coastal towns.

Egypt is the most popular overseas recreation option. All year round, this country is attracted by many tourists who come here from all over the world. The special object of the pride of the Egyptians is the pyramids located in Giza - a miracle of light with a centuries -old history. For sports lovers in the picturesque places of Egypt, diving centers, surfing schools and other objects have been prepared. In the evening, nightlines are opened, where you can have an interesting and fun time in the company of friends. Quite affordable prices allow anyone to buy a tour to Egypt.

Thailand is a worthy direction for youth. Entertainment programs here include diving and jungle excursions on bicycles. You can simply swim in the warm clean sea. Two cities deserve special attention of tourists - Bangkok and Pattaya. In Bangkok there are the best restaurants, bars and clubs in the world. In this city, thanks to extremely low prices, you can arrange a night leisure for a minimum amount. Pattaya, according to some opinions, is more suitable for lovers of shopping and sex tourism. However, the city offers opponents of such leisure to visit the hill of Buddha, the village of Elephants, the Park of Ancient Stones. In addition, you can visit the Museum of bottles and the oceanarium, the military museum, on the farm of snakes and crocodiles, in the wooden temple "Sanctuary of Truth", Safari Park or see Thai boxing. If possible, both of these places should be visited.

China is a combination of amazing exotic of the East with European comfort. Rest here is quite diverse - these are exciting excursions, sea bathing all year round, useful procedures in the spirit of traditional Chinese medicine.

We hope this brief description of the exotic countries of the world will help you in choosing the right direction. Successful travel!

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