Where better to rest in Egypt

Where better to rest in Egypt

Egypt is a country of two mainland. The northern part is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, and the eastern shores covers the waves of the Red Sea. The point of contact with the water element is artificially erected Suez Canal. The ancient pyramids and the tomb of the pharaohs are sitting in curious tourists, and the beaches with coral reefs and luxury hotels become faithful for lovers Couples and parents with young children. Further We offer a brief overview of the resorts.

Sharm el-Sheikh

Famous resort city of European level on the outskirts of the Sinai Peninsula.


  • More than 200 hotels offer to accommodate tourists in clean modern rooms with all amenities.
  • Beaches predominantly coral with artificial sandy embankment, so it is allowed to swim only in special slippers.
  • The coastline with a natural sandy arch in the sea is located in Naam Bay Bay.
  • Price Politics calculate on Middle, sufficient and high level of income.
  • Sharm el-Sheikh is famous for nightclubs, casino and show programs.
  • For residents of Russia, European Union, Ukraine and a number of other countries there is a visa-free regime for staying up to 15 days.
  • The Sinai Stamp does not apply to the pyramids (in Cairo) and Luxor (a city-museum with a rich historical heritage). Therefore, if you intend to actively spend rest and drive around the excursions, then you will need to place a visa for $ 25 at the airport, which gives The right to be in Egypt to 30 days.
  • The famous and crowded place "Promenade" is a pleasure alley to Naama Bay.
  • Cafes and restaurants of Japanese, European, Arabic cuisine are still working here. It is possible to smoke hookah.

Once in Sharm el-Sheikh, do not miss the opportunity to look at the sights: RC "1001 Night", Nabe Reserve, Mount Moses, Old Town, Tiran Island.


Resort for family holidays on the shores of the Red Sea. Tourist destination is focused on beach holidays and related entertainment. In Hurghad, you can enjoy a sea walk and explore coral reefs, ride camels and quad bikes on the hot desert.


  • The beaches of the resort are sandy, but in the northern and southern part of the coast there are live coral reefs. Namely, on the territory of hotels Arabella Azur and Zahabia Beach, the hotel complex Golden Five, etc.
  • In Hurghada there are 3 large water park.
  • In the spring of 2013, the world's first hotel Le Roi Hotel opened in the world, where shelves on alcoholic beverages, and a separate floor was built for women at 135 rooms.
  • Prices in Hurghada are significantly lower than in other Egyptian resort cities.
  • The city is considered the "international center of fans of water sports".

Be sure to take the time to visit the sights of the city: Palace "1001 Night" in the interpretation of Eastern Disneyland (evening performances are held there), Complex "New Marina", Aquarium, Mosque Abdulhasana Elshazi.


One of the few resorts that inherits ecotourism. In Dahab, you are completely forget about the bustle and plunge v dorrowing The atmosphere of the city. Inexposed by a large area populated Item 100 km from Sharm El Sheikh are developed in terms of infrastructure: mail, barocamera, banks, European-level hospitals, ATMs, network supermarkets, currency exchange points, pharmacies, free Internet almost anywhere village.


  • The resort is the largest technical diving instruction center.
  • In Dahab there are more than 30 equipped materials sT DLi am a convenient dive of divers.
  • Maximum immersion depth of individual dive sites is more 200 M..
  • More 60 functions in the city diving centers.
  • There are excellent windsurfer place for active pastime - Reef Lighthouse.
  • Kaiteserfer Any level will enjoy wonderful skating on the waves, because the wind is almost always dominated here.

Turn on B. tourist Program: Walking through the Sinai Desert on a camel, a trip to the monastery of St. Catherine, rest on the beaches Aqabsky Bay, immersion in the underwater vertical cave "Blue Hole" (if there are no health problems).

El Guna

This resort is called the "Pearl of the Red Sea". High-level leisure in El Gun running Orascom Development and her Owner - billionaire Savirisa themselves. Luxury hotels are located on small islands, united Channels and bridges. If you are accustomed to expensive and efficiently rest, then you need to know that:

  • El Gouna is worth a worthy title of the most attractive and eco-friendly city near the Red Sea.
  • Entrepreneurs and businessmen are supporting the company Orascom Development, which allows you to control the order and environmental situation of the built-up zones.
  • 5 hotels of this resort have become the owners of the Green Globe award.
  • The resort of El Guna is 20 islands, built-up and woven among themselves in one system.
  • Here is a ten-meter coastline rich in coral reefs.

Do not miss the opportunity to watch the "Breath of the Desert", play the golf club, rent a yacht for a romantic walk, rinse a purebred horse, sneak with aqualing and enjoy other water entertainment.


Small, relatively young resort is 271 km from Hurghada. Former fishing village Already in the near future will be proud to wear the title luxury international resort. The construction of five-star hotels is constantly boiling here, and its own international airport is already functioning. A part of the hotel complexes fully works, providing tourists with the opportunity to admire the beauties of untouched by the human factor in the underwater world in the arms of coral reef. If you do not care about the fashionable nightclubs, go on the coast of Mars Alam, because it is:

  • 70-kilometer coastline;
  • mangrove thickets;
  • coral reefs under the thickness of transparent turquoise water;
  • a trip to Vadi-Hammamat Valley, through which caravans with gold, tin, copper, precious stones (this place of the accumulation of the incredible number of casual inscriptions and drawings left the participants of the expeditions);
  • in the depths of the desert there is a tomb of Sayada ash-Shazley;
  • excellent underwater fauna;
  • excellent opportunity for divers, thirsty adventures, immerse yourself in Reef Shaab Radir El Bar, where dwells belopery sharks, moray, turtles;
  • underwater study of the sunken in the fifties " TINSTIN».

Arrival In Mars Alam, hurry to make a three-hour extreme ride on a quad bike, immerse yourself in Reef Malacca, swim with friendly dolphins in the open sea, visit Abu Simbel.

In addition to the tourist destinations presented, in Egypt there are still several excellent resorts. Wherever you go, a good mood and many impressions are provided.

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