Where can I relax on holidays?

Where can I relax on holidays?

The year there are several holidays vacations that the state courtesy gives all workers. This New Year holidays, May holidays, weekends dedicated to the Day of Russia in June, as well as the November Weekend in honor of the Day of National Unity. Consider vacation options corresponding to seasons.

In the cold season, the most affordable rest is winter fun, for example, in rest parks. The simplest thing is to go on a rink, skiing, on buns from a slide. A more costly option is to go to the nearby ski resort and skiing or snowboarding. All this can be combined with recreation in a local good sanatorium or boarding house.

Also in winter, a more expensive view of the rest is available - a trip abroad. Tickets are not so cheap, but the opportunity to relax, without using vacation days, is quite attractive. In winter, such resorts such as Thailand, Vietnam, China, India, Egypt are popular. How nice in winter to be in warm edges, get a lot of pleasant impressions and solar heat! A trip to Europe, which, at any time of the year, is ready to please the tourists with many sights. If you like to look at beauty, and not to be on the beach, then this is your option.

In the warm season, opportunities to spend a holiday weekend it becomes much more. The most accessible option is a trip to the cottage. Skewers and a bathhouse - the same summer entertainment, for which the body was so frightened! There is even a chance that the weather will allow soaring under sunlight. You can also go to a picnic to the nearest forest belt, go away with tents, go fishing or harvesting mushrooms.

Just like in winter, you can relax in the nearby pension or sanatorium. Provide the body is in order never except, and especially at the beginning of summer.

In the summer season, do not miss the opportunity to visit different cities of Russia. Everywhere warm, which means that, without leaving abroad, you can get a lot of pleasant impressions, see the homeland in all its glory. There are a lot of beautiful cities in Russia, stunning natural attractions. If your relatives or friends live there, this, to all of the time, will be the opportunity to see and minimize accommodation costs.

If in Russia you have already seen everything and want to relax abroad, in the summer period it also appears much more opportunities. In Europe, heat, the resorts are open and ready to delight tourists with the sun, sea and attractions. Tropical countries are experiencing rainy season, but not to the detriment of tourist activity.

In many countries, carnivals and festivals are held in the summer. So, in Cyprus, a floral parade is carried out, the festival of butterflies are arranged in South Korea, and in Denmark, theatrical carnival is held in May, which involves all the inhabitants. A similar rest undoubtedly leave an indelible impression in your soul.

Both in the winter and summer holidays, you can just stay in the city, in the morning you have a little bit in bed in bed, and in the evenings to visit urban events: cinema, museums, theaters, restaurants, mass folk festivities, concerts, etc.

No matter how you decide to spend the weekend, take care of them in advance, think about how to get them better, buy tickets in advance, book the places. On holidays, the demand for any kind of rest is very large and there is a chance, without providing all the ahead of time, to get to come and stay at home. Provide everything in advance and rest with pleasure!


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