How to behave in Egypt

How to behave in Egypt

In Egypt, as in every country, there are its laws, moral charter and vital values. Eastern people honor their traditions and will not suffer a gross violation of the age-old well-minded morals. Going to Egypt to rest, you need to acquaint very deeply with the basic information, in order not to get into trouble, exit from which it may not be ...

Before the trip, pay attention to the validity of your foreign passport. According to the rules, upon arrival at the airport, you receive a visa, but only if there is currently the validity of your foreign passport for at least three months.

Always wear a bag with a tourist voucher and insurance. Specify the name of the hotel and its address, write down in a notebook, phone or leaf and wear with you. Such prudency helps you yourself get to the hotel, if you suddenly leave the tourist team during the excursion. It also happens that tourists-yawns, riding a taxi in search of their hotels, just still enrich the taxi driver in the literal sense of the word.

Leave money and valuable things in a safe, and gold and diamonds are at home, here they will be for you, goals. Despite the service of the use of the safe can be paid, cross the insult and use it. Put your code and never wear a lot of cash, for the armored door, the probability of not losing money is 99%.

Be careful with drinks. You can't even have any speech about the water from the crane, it is not necessary to drink it, but also use personal hygiene as procedures is not recommended. Use bottled water for washing, cleaning teeth and drink. Do not check your stomach for strength, buying spill juices. You can sell alcoholic beverages on the street, you can buy and drink, but if you are not lucky enough to seem on the street in a drunk, risks to be detained law enforcement agencies.

Following open outfits, do not forget that you are in Egypt - an eastern Muslim country, where it is not customary to put off the naked body. Of course, the attitude towards tourists is somewhat favorably, but you need to know the measure. Do not walk through the streets, markets and shops with open neckline, bare shoulders, and mini skirts ... Leave at home. Nobody will plan you in prison, but the obsessive attention of men can endure crying. On the beach, sunbathe in a swimsuit, but in no case topless.

While in Egypt, in no way, do not try to take pictures or shoot at the camera of local residents without their consent. Especially this ban applies to women and soldiers.

They saw corals or decided to rechride a piece of pyramid to memory - leave this idea until it's too late. Such "souvenirs" are a popular invaluable heritage, and the export of values \u200b\u200babroad is strictly prohibited. Disobedience The law will turn a fine, which will significantly exceed the cost of your holiday.

It is not necessary to empty the counters of souvenirs immediately upon arrival. Amazing pattern - the brighter your skin, the more expensive the goods. How else? Eastern merchants try to earn money, you are not familiar with real prices. Choosing products on the shelves, be sure to tramble if it makes it almost before the scandal, then the price will fall in two or three times. People worked in the eastern markets for whom the colorful trade process is more important than profit.

Be sure to leave the tips, albeit a bit, but regularly, even for each pleasant trifle. Even if you are the hotel in the "All Included" system, do not deny yourself the pleasure of becoming more pleased with the hotel staff in the first days of arrival, the attitude towards you will become more pleasant.

Women are not acceptable to look into the eyes of men, installing visual contact and build eyes, then do not reck out or worse - will be a victim of unpleasant circumstances.

If you have looked at the guests, be sure to remove shoes before entering and do not try to turn out from the proposed yokes - it is regarded as disrespect for the owners.

Never foul, even if they were very angry with a sauna merchant. Egyptians know the Russian mat no worse than you and perfectly hear the effortless through our teeth of curses. Cases of deportation are not frequent, but the fine can be seized.

Do not try to steal any things with a market pavilion counter. Not mentioning the moral principles and pupils, know that merchants are everywhere and carefully follow their product. Even if you think that no one sees you - know, sees!

Catching up diving, do not lose mind from delightful beauty and do not pull hands to exotic fish - they can be poisonous and dangerous. The inhabitants of the sea dephesis themselves at all pay attention to floating tourists, but will defend themselves.

Women and girls running on camels, do not sit down with an unfamiliar man, it is indecent and will be considered as free access to your body.

Do not be hostile to the eastern residents. Try to understand their mentality, to be in the essence of traditions and realize that the signs of attention are familiar to us in everyday life are regarded there as consent to something more.

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